the End of an Era

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
The organizers of the outdoor minyan near my house sent out a note today about the minyan disbanding.
As people go back to their shuls, after being vaccinated or post-Corona, the minyan is finding it increasingly difficult to consistently get the daily minyan. 
This is officially the end of the Corona era. 
Or it might be. 
As long as we don't have any major outbreak in the near future. 
We are now entering the post-COVID19 era.
I have done my part to help the world move on, by vaccinating. Hopefully we will all be safe and healthy, in Israel and around the world, as we move forward in getting back to some semblance of normal, social, lives.
This is anecdotal and not a scientific study, but from what I hear about other outdoor minyanim also petering out, it seems the concern many had that people won't go back to shul after Corona and after taking a liking to the convenience and informality of outdoor minyanim was unfounded. It seems people are going back to their shuls.
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