The Elizabeth Thomas Fake Abduction Case

Posted on the 28 March 2017 by Calvinthedog

Let’s have an article covering the Tennessee teacher and the 15 year old girl…they are still missing…your thoughts on this???????

This case has been in the news a lot and a lot of foolish people are flipping out about it.


I am not going to call this an abduction or kidnapping case because I do not believe that that is what has happened.

My position is she was in love with him, they were having some sort of a love affair, and they both ran off together to drive a long ways away to some remote place to set up shop and get married. They are basically eloping together. It’s laughable that they say she got abducted. If that’s the case, then she got abducted willingly. How the Hell can you willingly get abducted? What else can you do? Kidnap yourself? Imprison yourself? Rob yourself? Burglarize yourself? Molest yourself? It’s so absurd.

Has he even had sex with her? There is talk that he might have kissed her or tried to kiss her? That’s illegal? It might not even be illegal for a 50 year old man to kiss a 15 year old girl. But if he kissed her aggressively, deeply and passionately (you know what I am talking to) then that would be illegal.

I have never heard of any man going down for kissing a teenage girl. For Chrissake, fathers kiss their teenage girl daughters all the time. Are we going to throw them all in prison for 10 years?

This stuff is really getting nutty, and it’s all the fault of women. All this Teenage Girl Mass Hysteria is coming from women because no real man would care about this very much. I mean real men would probably want to keep this stuff illegal at some age – I myself would like to see the AOC down to 16 here in California – but they won’t get hysterical and retarded about it. It’s not that I see this as evil or perverted or damaging or anything like that. It’s more that I think young teenage girls ought to be protected from us men. And we men need to be protected from our own selves.

Any man who gets upset about this stuff is either gay or he’s a great big pussygirl – he’s not much of a man. The only men I have seen getting upset about it are fundamentalist Christian “men” (those guys are not men in any way, shape or form – they’re girlymen) and feminist “men” (feminist men are so pitiful – they’re such wusses and girlyboys).

Assuming that they are basically eloping and also assuming the quite unlikely case that he has not done anything sexual with her other than kissing, has this guy even broken the law? Is it illegal to go for a road trip with a teenage girl if she goes along quite willingly? What’s the name of the law? Is it that Teenage Girl Road Trip law?

*Note: If anyone has any evidence that this girl did not go off willingly with her teacher and was in fact abducted, please let me know as I do not know much about this case.