The Elections Are Not Over Yet. Vote for Me!!!

By Urbanbushwoman @urbanbushwoman9

Did the election turn out the way YOU wanted? If so, congratulations! If not, I feel your pain. Either way I have one more election you can participate in that may get you the results you want. It’s time for the Baltimore Sun’s annual Mobbies Awards for Best Blogs and Social Media accounts. Once again, I am nominated for two awards: Best Personal Blog and Best Label-Defying Blog (doesn’t that sound sexy?). I need your vote to win.

Please go to this link right over here ——> and cast your vote on line for The Scratchpad of An Urban Bushwoman. You can vote more than once so put it on your calendar to vote every day from now until November 13th when the election process ends. Then share this post with your friends, neighbors, family members, and anyone else you’ve been meaning to talk to but haven’t had the chance to yet. This is a great conversation starter. See? Your voice still matters to someone.

Thanks good people!!! I’ve got plenty more blogs to give so stay tuned.