Let’s say that you are overloaded, overworked and under pressure. You are struggling to cope. This could be at a personal level with private projects or it could be at work where your team is having difficulties with business challenges. Try this eight point plan which will help you.
- Pause. Stop what you are doing. Take time to assess where you are and what you are trying to achieve. What is the overall goal? What is impeding you? You can do this on your own or with your team.
- Picture. Visualise what a successful outcome would look like. Describe it. What will the results be? How will you feel when this is achieved? This helps to motivate and focus.
- Prioritise. What are the key steps needed to achieve the goal? And in what order? Let’s focus on the top three tasks that have to be accomplished.
- Prune. What low value activities can we ditch, postpone or delegate? Can we prune the distractions that are stopping us? It could be social media, low value meetings or routine reports. Let’s cut them ruthlessly so that we can devote time and energy to what really matters.
- Plan. Take your calendar and block out time for the key priorities that you identified earlier. You and your people need to be able to work undistracted.
- Push through. Work your way through each task until completed. Barriers, distractions and excuses will arise but it is important that you concentrate and push through.
- Protect. Look after yourself and your team. Protect your physical and mental health. Take some time out for rest and exercise. Protect your team from internal politics and rivalries.
- Praise. When your people complete a stage or achieve something worthwhile then be sure to praise them. Make a fuss. Similarly at a personal level. Give yourself a small reward for completing a task – big or small.
We all face tough challenges and sometimes they can appear to be overwhelming. Try applying the Eight P plan to help you cope and succeed.
Inspired by a podcast by Todd Henry – The Accidental Creative
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