The Eclectic Wedding Extravaganza!

By Claire

Cherry Pie Lane sign, photo credit Assassynation

If you read UK wed­ding blogs you prob­a­bly know all of this already. And if you live near Birm­ing­ham and read UK wed­ding blogs I’m incred­i­bly jeal­ous. You’re going to the Eclec­tic Wed­ding Extrav­a­ganza, aren’t you?

For the reader (hello, you!) who hasn’t already heard about this, I am delighted to be able to share the news of this new breed of wed­ding fair with you. Here goes…

The Eclec­tic Wed­ding Extrav­a­ganza – It’s all about EWE!!

Sun­day 4th Novem­ber 2012 in Birmingham

Luxe Bridal by Louise Holgate

Liliia bridal designs Photo credit Assassynation

Laura and Mike’s wed­ding. Photo credit Assassynation

So…… What hap­pens when three slightly mad wed­ding sup­pli­ers come together? They hatch a crazy plan….that’s what!! When Sassy (Assas­sy­na­tion), Jo (Cou­ture Com­pany) and Vikki (Liliia) got nat­ter­ing over a glass of wine (stan­dard) they decided that they would put on a Wed­ding Extrav­a­ganza with a real mix of suppliers.

We want to put on an amaz­ing wed­ding extrav­a­ganza (aka fair) that would be excit­ing for both the sup­pli­ers and cou­ples alike, so we hatched a plan “A-team” style (Han­ni­bal Smith would be proud).

The idea is that we want peo­ple to shake off the shack­les of what is con­sid­ered ‘nor­mal’ or ‘tra­di­tional’ and to take their own per­son­al­i­ties and loves and stamp them on their wed­dings, so we have picked sup­pli­ers who can help ewe do that!

This is no ordi­nary wed­ding show, the sup­pli­ers aka the Baad Ass Mother Flock­ers have been cho­sen and invited based on their per­son­al­i­ties, the qual­ity of their end prod­uct and the fact that they offer some­thing unique.

Cab­i­nets of Curiosity

Ava Event Styling, pho­tographed by Assassynation

Ava Event Styling. Photo credit Assassynation

White linen cov­ered tres­tle tables are dis­cour­aged and hard sells are ban­ished, we want you to come along, have a drink and a good old nat­ter to the Mother Flock­ers that catch your eye. The Mo Flo’s are being chal­lenged to cre­ate stands that are totally unique and inter­ac­tive. As well as hav­ing awe­some Mo Flo’s at the show, we will be run­ning some com­pe­ti­tions, hav­ing a fash­ion walkabout/ramble and organ­is­ing a trea­sure hunt! Prizes will include free pho­tog­ra­phy ses­sions, make overs and styling, free cakes, acces­sories and Big BIG Dis­count vouchers

So we are putting a call out to all you gamers, goths, geeks, rock­a­bil­lies, psy­chobil­lies, off the walls, mods and rock­ers, steam­punks, new punks, old punks, flap­pers, happy clap­pers, hip­sters and hell-raisers, bohemi­ans, folks who are inked and pinked, or if Ewe just want YOU to shine through.

We hope to offer you some things that are really EWEnique for your weddings.

Our Motto

“Don’t be a wed­ding sheep…it’s all about EWE!!!”

Photo credit: Emma Lucy Photo

Elbie, by Sarah Gawler

Our venue, Faze­ley Stu­dios, was cho­sen due to the fact it is such a gor­geous space (and yes they do have wed­dings there) with tons of nat­ural light to show off our Mo Flo’s work in the best pos­si­ble way.

Have a ram­ble round the web­site, reg­is­ter and get your tick­ets early at a BAAAAAr­gain price of £3. YES!!! EWE heard right…..only £3!!!!

Steve Ger­rard Photography

Steve Ger­rard Photography

Who will be there?

Top of my list to meet would be the fol­low­ing — but there are many more so check them out on the All About Ewe website!

Pho­tog­ra­phers: Steve Ger­rard, Assas­sy­na­tion and Toast of Leeds
Bridal design­ers The Cou­ture co, Luxe Vin­tage bridal, Liliia
Restora­tion Cakes, Ava event styling, Love Illus­trated, Ink Love, Cherry Pie Lane, Cab­i­nets of Curios­ity
Zena Birch from Bespoke Human­ist cer­e­monies
Urban Vil­lage Vin­tage (suits)

Photo credit: Toast of Leeds Shelly Mantovani