The Earl in My Bed by Sophie Jordan

Posted on the 02 May 2013 by Mattnem05 @mattnem05

—— I received this book from Edelweiss and the publisher for my honest review——

Title The Earl in My Bed: A Forgotten Princesses Valentine Novella

Author Sophie Jordan

Publisher Avon

ISBN 9780062222466

Pub Date February 5, 2013

Category Fiction, Historical, Romance, Adult


Intended for one man…
All her life, everyone assumed Paget Ellsworth, the vicar’s daughter, would marry the Earl of Winningham’s youngest son. And when he left for war with his older brother, Jamie, words and promises were not necessary. She would wait.
But destined for another…
Four years pass, and the death of his father forces Jamie home to take up the reins as the new earl, leaving his brother fighting on the front lines a world away. Maddening, infuriating, sexy Jamie makes Paget question her feelings. One glimpse, one word from him awakens desire in her heart. When a simple kiss spirals out of control at the annual Valentine’s Day ball, she realizes the man she never wanted is the man she needs…but will Paget cast aside all she’s ever thought to be true to win the man of her dreams?

My Thoughts:

I found this to be a very good book. I really liked the underlining theme that all may not be as it seems, or don’t read a book by its covers. Paget, Owen and Brand growing up were like the three musketeers while Jamie was like the third wheel. Even though he wanted to be with them he always seemed to be on the outside looking in. The three saw Jamie as someone who looked down on them as they played, but that was not really true. Jamie as the middle son between the heir and the beloved younger son of a second marriage had a hard time really finding where he fit in his family. Now with the death of Brand he is the Earl, and interacting with Paget again. His long secret crush on Paget resurfaces and he’s left fighting his own feelings and those of his younger brother Owen who’s not had that great a time at war. This story while short is very moving, how can you not feel for Paget and Jamie as they both realize that they love each other and neither wants to hurt Owen, who is expecting to wed Paget when he returns. Even when Jamie might really be the better choice. After reading this book I know that I am interested in reading more of the Forgotten Princesses books

Over All Rating: 4 / 5 Stars