The E-Guide to Choosing Colors for Your Home…It’s Almost Finished

By Lindaleyble @LindaLeyble

I Just Need to Know Your Color Struggles and Problems…so I Can Answer Them!

How to create a split complementary color scheme

I am in the midst of writing an e-guide on How to Choose the Right Colors for Your Rooms” that I will be giving away to my readers. In general, it will cover some secrets on how I use color (and some common mistakes that you should avoid) but the main point of the guide will be to give you some tools that will make choosing color easier…and less fear-inducing!

How to create an analogous color scheme

But, I need some help from you, my wonderful readers and followers. I need to know what you are struggling with when it comes to making color choices in your home. In the comments below, just jot down some things that made you crazy, made you cry…maybe even made you laugh when you saw how a color came out on your wall. I think I know most of the problems that people have – but I want to hear from you. Tell me your issues and struggles and I will put solutions to them in the e-guide.

The guide will cover topics such as…

  • How to use the color wheel successfully in developing beautiful color schemes
  • Why and how light changes paint colors: Becoming aware of this can make color decisions easier
  • Creating the mood and emotion you want to feel in a room
  • How to eliminate a lot of colors from the vast number of choices on the market today: Why the fixed elements in your room are the keys to your color choices
  • Best colors for north, south, east and west facing rooms
  • How paint colors can help a tall room look cozier…a short room look taller…a long room look shorter

If any of those topics resonate with you, please sign up and subscribe to this blog, so you will be the first to know when it will be available. It should be ready within a week or two. Until then…please write down some problems and concerns that you are having. That will help me so much in putting this guide together.

Thanks…hope to hear from you soon!