The DSIFTCM Team Are Headed to the NYSE!

Posted on the 16 June 2012 by Divstkforcomman @DivStkForComMan
In December 2012, our Dividend Stock Investing For The Common Man team are venturing out of our dividend analyzing cubbyhole to take a field trip to the New York Stock Exchange in New York City, NY! Throughout our stay in the Big Apple we will blog and upload photos during and post trip. We hope to interview the CEO of NYSE Euronext, stock ticker NYX, as well as run into the CNBC crew at "Post 9" right on the floor of the NYSE. Also, quite possibly appear on television to of course spread the word of all that is DSIFTCM and more importantly spread the word of how essential it is to infuse your retirement portfolio with high quality, long term dividend paying aristocrats. We greatly appreciate your support in helping us get there. Whether it is 1 penny, $10.00 or $1,000.00 we would be deeply touched and appreciative of your financial kindness. With your support it will ensure that this trip will be a success. Feel free to click below and Chip in! Thanks for your time and support!