The Downside Of That Amazing Job Offer

By Lamamma @LAmamma1

Pop the champagne, treat everyone to dinner out, and buy yourself that amazing dress! You’ve been offered an incredible promotion with a well-known company. There’s a pay rise in it for you and even a golden handshake. The trouble is, it’s on the other side of the country. Your current boss heard in the wind about your interview, and time is up at your new job. Now comes the hardest move you ever had to make.


Your kids might not be quite so excited about a new start as you are. They’ve got good friendships here, and they’re well settled into school. A fast and sudden move can turn their world upside down. However, they will be delighted to know they can choose their own bedrooms, pick out new activities, and even design their own rooms. Kids make friends quickly but be prepared for a few bumps on the way to your new place.


If you’re in a committed relationship, news of a move might make things awkward for your partner. Their career dreams count too. Can they put in for a transfer at the other regional office? Or maybe, they’re about to be picked up for something new and exciting themselves? If your new pay packet supports you both, then why not let your partner enjoy a few weeks rest post move before finding a new role?

The House

Selling a home you’ve lovingly decorated over the years is a heart-wrench. Unfortunately, it can be tricky to find a buyer in this market at the moment. Your new employer might have temporary accommodation arranged for you and your family to help you get your feet under the desk quickly. But selling your current home can be tough. You might try one of the services that allow you to sell your house for cash, so the sale completion is handled quickly. Once you’re out of the area, it’s tough to get back to manage a sale through an agent.

The Move

The actual move itself can be easy if you have someone to manage the packing moving boxes and unpacking. But most moms can’t bear the thought of handing over the reins for something this important. It takes ages to pack, and there is always that nagging feeling in the background that you ought to get rid of lots of your stuff. Still, once everything is unpacked in its place, you can rest assured life is tidy again!


Chances are your lifestyle will have to change a little with the move. You might have a shorter commute, but your hours may be much longer. The kids might not be quite so close to the school, and your partner may have to work away during the week. Your local amenities and facilities will be different too. A new timetable for soccer and music lessons will have to be adopted. And, of course, you’ll need to make all new friends at your favorite gym classes. Give it time, and you’ll feel settled and happy again. Enjoy your new job.