The Dollar Shave Club is the

By Slowdownandsavor

When my husband asked me if I would be interested in something called The Dollar Shave Club, I wasn’t sure. I mean, I knew I needed razors, and I knew that I was tired of my crappy razors that just didn’t do their job. I was tired of razor burn and tired of super dull razors that made me look like a middle-schooler just learning how to shave her legs, covered in band-aids and little pieces of bloody toilet paper.

But subscribing to a monthly razor club? I could just go to HEB and scoop up some more crappy razors, or get a good one, but dang those are expensive. Seriously. Have you looked recently? It’s like $15 for a refill pack of blades for a non-disposable razor blade cartridge. Psh… No thanks, HEB. Good day, sir.

So, you know what? I agreed to the Dollar Shave Club. No harm. No foul. And it was a lot cheaper. I hear you pretty much save roughly $100/year using this service, and that’s awesome.

Basically, Dollar Shave Club couldn’t be simpler. You go to their site, scroll through their blade selection, select the kind you fancy, pay only for the cost of those blades, and they send them right to your door every month. Say what?

So we went through the different blade options, which include a two-blader, The Humble Twin, ($1/month, + shipping and handling) touted as a great basic shaver, for guys (and girls too) who dig simplicity and precision, The 4x, ($6/month + shipping and handling) the member favorite – a gentle shave in a single stroke with 4 blades, or The Executive, ($9/month + shipping and handling) advertised as the final frontier – it’s like a personal assistant for your face, featuring $6 blades.

I knew I didn’t want The Humble Twin, because… ain’t no one got time for just two blades, no matter how “reliable” they claim the razor is. I also knew I didn’t need a personal assistant for my face (aka legs and underarms), and I didn’t need that built in trimmer that comes on The Executive. That left the member favorite, the one that everyone seems to love, The 4x. Plus, the description says that the ladies love it too. So, being that I’m a lady and all, it just seemed like the most appropriate choice.

So here’s a more detailed low-down on the 4x:

  • $6/month
  • 4 stainless steel blades
  • 4 cartridges per month
  • Full 90-degree pivot head hugs the turns, surges you onward
  • Wide-open back for a fast, easy rinse
  • Lubricating strip soothes the skin

“This is your new razor. And it’s also your girlfriend’s new razor. Or your boyfriend’s. You see, the 4X is also known as the Lover’s Blade. It was designed to satisfy the harshest critics of both genders, so you can share your subscription (but not your blades, gross) with someone you care about. It’s equally good for the face, legs, armpits, or anything else.”

Sounded pretty perfect for MY needs, and if Michael ever decides to put his fancy-shmancy electric razor down for a day or so, he can use these too.

He also added Dr. Carver’s Easy Shave Butter for $8 for our first box, and just in case you were confused, it‘s not shave cream. It‘s Shave Butter. And it’s huge!

This 6-ounce tube of transparent shave butter is safe for sensitive skin, it’s non-irritating, fights razor bumps, helps prevent ingrown hairs, has a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and contains Golden Barley Organic Prickly Pear Cactus Pacific Sea Algae Black Willow Bark Oat Extract Vitamins A, C, and E. Seemed like a nice addition to the package, and now that I’ve used it, I’m fired up about it. There was no pull, no clog on the razor and plus, it smells insanely stupendous. It’s ultra bright, crazy fresh, a bit spicy, a touch sweet, and incredibly invigorating.

And as usual, I’m getting ahead of myself.

The first Dollar Shave Club box arrived yesterday, on Monday afternoon, and about 10 minutes after its arrival, I decided it was time to stop looking at the stuff, and time to start using the stuff.

Shower time!

So, drum roll please… The verdict is in.

GAME. CHANGER. I’m stunned. I thought to myself, “How could a razor be special? How could shaving butter be different?” Seriously. I always love being smooth, but I don’t think I have ever known what being smooth meant until now. That shave butter is so simple, yet SO insane. I don’t know what sort of sorcery is going on in the Dr. Carver factory, but I’m into it. I’m very into it.

And the razor handle itself is nice and weighty, which I like a lot, and in combination with the blades, the experience was that it was incredibly easy to use, and clean to work with. It just glided smoothly, and I had no blood-loss whatsoever, praise God. I fell in love instantly with both the razor and the butter, and will never look back.

Each cartridge of four blades will last you one month, and the whole thing is $6/month, and it’s going to be the best $6/month we’ve ever and will continue to spend.

Yeah, that’s dramatic, and enthusiastic, but it’s also pretty accurate. I’m officially obsessed.

So not only is it awesome that the blades arrive fresh every month so you can always treat yourself to a fresh blade shave, but there’s also no fees, no commitment, and you can cancel anytime. You’re free to change razor plans anytime, and if you do, the new handle is FREE. WHAT?! And if you’re like me, and don’t shave so often, that’s cool too, because you can get blades delivered every other month if you want.

It’s safe to say that I am prepared to scream it from the rooftops of the internet that the Dollar Shave Club is amazing, awesome, stupendous, terrific, great, amazing, etc, and I am excited to be part of the club. Want to join, or want to join on behalf of your significant other?? Click here! It’s another AWESOME Valentine’s Day gift idea! Just sayin’…