The Do’s and Don’ts When It Comes to Wearing Leggings

By Attireclub @attireclub

Leggings used to be a piece of clothing that was only worn at the gym or for doing yoga. These days they have become popular for doing things like dressing for brunch as well as out for a run. These changes in styles and habits make it difficult to know when you should and shouldn't wear leggings.

Although the times when you'd be making a terrible fashion faux pas by wearing leggings is much rarer now, you still want to make sure you are wearing the right clothes for the right occasion. In this article, we will cover a few of the times you would want to wear leggings and when you don't.

Home and leisure time

When you're at home, your main goal is to be as comfy and relaxed as possible. This is where leggings make the most sense. There's nothing better than lounging on the couch on a winter Sunday with a good movie on and wearing buttery soft leggings. Their stretchy fit makes them comfortable without feeling restrictive.

Even if you are more active at home and need to get some things done around the house and yard, leggings are the ideal clothing. Leggings are usually breathable so even if it is hot they stay as comfortable as can be.

They are sturdy and give you the freedom to move, stretch, and bend as you tend to your plants or clean up around the house. Durable and easy to wash, they stand up to the challenge of dirt and dust, making them a sensible choice for the day-to-day duties that keep your home looking its best.

Leggings at work

There is a bit of a debate going on in many online circles about whether leggings are appropriate at work. Some argue that leggings are too casual and can lower the professional image of a workplace. Others point out that comfort can increase productivity. The key is to know your workplace and its dress code policies. Usually, these discussions pertain to women's style only.

It really comes down to what kind of job you have. For instance, in creative industries like tech startups, fashion, or marketing, leggings are often seen as acceptable. Usually the dress code is fairly loose and casual.

However, for jobs in industries like finance or where you might be client-facing. Leggings are seen as unprofessional.

Social events

The appropriateness of leggings in a social setting is not black and white; it largely depends on the nature of the event. When contemplating leggings for social occasions, the first consideration is understanding the event's dress code. If the dress code is casual, leggings can be a fantastic choice.

Leggings are a perfect fit for events like a laid-back dinner with friends or a birthday celebration, offering a harmonious blend of style and comfort. They prove to be an ideal option for occasions where you aim to appear polished without compromising on comfort.

However, if the event leans towards a more formal setting, careful consideration is necessary when choosing leggings. Certain styles are better suited to complement sophisticated attire.

In conclusion, leggings can undoubtedly be a fabulous addition to one's fashion repertoire, providing a perfect balance of style and comfort. However, like any fashion piece, the key lies in wearing them contextually and pairing them with the right clothes. Understanding the dress code of an event is crucial, as leggings seamlessly enhance a casual setting but may need careful consideration in more formal environments. By being mindful of the occasion and making thoughtful choices in pairing, leggings can continue to be a versatile and chic wardrobe choice.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

P.S. We want to hear from you! Do you wear leggings? How do you wear them? On what occasion do you wear them? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!