It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. (Jiddu Krishnamurti)
Human uniformity and conformity are the call of the human-virus morphogenetic field. It is the call, the pull, the Habit, the chreode-signature of the human-tribal specie-taxon. Even the educational system is based on forcing feet to fit pre-made shoes. Viral socialization in total entrenchment begins from birth and continues to the nursing home, human sentinels are at every post of every juncture of the human timeline, to make sure the status quo is maintained.
The Devil, Satan, Lucifer have been vilified by the Piscean paradigm; they represent defiance, non-conformity, questioning authority, non-compliance with the "system," which are considered to be "evil." The demonization of non-conformity leads to ideologies of societal models based on compliant uniformity. Never mind the specific ideology, they are all the same. The greatest irony, the wonderful irony of ironies, is that the true "devil" is the ideology of entrenchment. The moral foundation of all ideologies is founded on the illusory modality of righteousness. Is there a way out? Why would you want out? There is no out. It's like the guy in the old movie The Matrix, who decides to stay in the grid ("the matrix") instead of snapping out of its illusions. The illusion however is not the making of an existential Other. It is your own making. There is no enemy. But grand inquisitions have crucified the christs. Think for a moment about the christian christ-myth; christ's logia are characterized by "You have heard it said [blah blah], but I say unto you [blah blah]." The former is the entrenched, habitual chreode. The latter is the new testament. There can be no new testament without non-compliance with all aspects of the old order. And if the non-compliant christ has become the paragon of ideological obedience, yet again, we see repetitions of historical pattern, the pattern of entrenchment, reinforcement of entrenchment, the keeping of the status quo of human Habit. Forget the ideological buzz word "freedom," it has been misused, and most people have no idea what it means. It has almost nothing to do with legal rights, ownership, enterprise, and especially belief in any kind of ideology.