The Difference a Day Can Make!

By Caryschmidt

Hurricane Irene just churned her way up the East Coast leaving a swath of destruction and brokenness. My friend took the photo above and the one below—one day apart, and these photos struck me along with his statement, “What a difference a day can make!”

Have you ever had a day like the one in the top photo? Have you had a season when you felt like a hurricane was ripping through your life, out of control, and hiding any hope of sunlight and future? Some days it just seems like the sky is falling.  Those are hopeless and seemingly helpless days. And during those times you wonder if life could ever return to some sense of normal. Storms can overwhelm and disorient your whole life.

But you know what? Hurricanes pass. Storms come to an end. The storm that kept you locked in midnight’s death grip can give way to a beautiful sunrise and a morning bike ride!

Hold on, trust God, and don’t make decisions you will regret when a new day comes. Claim God’s grace for one more day. Whatever you’re facing right now, take hope—the sun will return!

“…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalms 30:5