THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS - Grouping Forget-me-nots

By Dyarnell @dyarnell
My most recommended (and oft employed) design strategy in the garden is '"Proximity"...  "Proximity helps creates organisation. By grouping similar elements together or in close proximity, you create a relationship between those elements. It also provides a focal point..."
Placing similar plants together (rather than leaving them spread out across the garden) is a fantastic example of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. And how often does that happen in life? Take advantage where you can!
Given Forget-me-nots are such self-seeders some will not come back in exactly the same place year after year. Close, but not exact, so some transplanting will be required to get a look like the one below where the flowers group around a specific feature. In this case I moved small sprigs of FMN from the immediate area until they had the rock completely surrounded.  Just a single rock in the middle of Periwinkle Hill. Eye-catching but not ostentatious. 
This is the exact look I go for in my wild woodland garden: however unlikely it is the flowers naturalize this way, it is technically possible
Last year there were even enough FMN to surround all of the rocks to the right as well.I choose to transplant them beside rocks for two reasons:
1) I am building off of the rock, already a beautiful feature on its own 2) Quite frankly the FMN can use the help. They are very wispy and very light coloured and by providing an immediate backdrop their blooms pop.  
After all, the devil is in the details.
***Sharing with Nature Notes & Outdoor Wednesday