The Democratic Race Is Very Fluid (40% Of Voters Have Switched Candidates Since July)

Posted on the 29 October 2019 by Jobsanger

The charts shown in this post are from CBS News / YouGov Battleground Polling. They surveyed the same 2,746 Democrats and Democratic-leaning Independents in July, September, and October.
The top chart shows how the four candidates leading the race in July have fared since then. The charts below show how fluid the race has been. Note that since July about 40% of Democrats and Leaners have switched the candidate they support.
The third chart shows the switching by ideology. About 34% of those identifying as very liberal have switched -- the least amount of switching of any group. About 40% of somewhat liberals, 41% of moderates, and 62% of conservatives have switched. The conservatives seem to be having the most trouble of all in finding and staying with a candidate.
The bottom chart shows the percentage of supporters that have switched away from the candidates (in orange), and the number who have switched back to supporting them (in yellow). For instance, 13% of Warren supporters switched away from her, but over half of the (7%) switched back. Warren has had the least number of supporters switching, while Harris has had the most (65%).