The Deluge [2]

Posted on the 25 June 2013 by Therisingcontinent @Ambrosenz

General Paul Kagame

The Deluge is the title of a film  in preparation by the investigative journalist Keith Harmon Snow. It focuses on the myths and realities of genocide in Central Africa. The producer is looking for financial contributions to finalize the project. To make the public understand more the issues at stake in the film, we have decided to publish scripts of short interviews or extracts of speeches of some identifiable people who are shown in the film. In this second note, we have six people: Tutsi prince Antoine Theophile Nyetera, Milton Allimadi, founder and publisher of “The Black Star News”, Professor Noam Chomsky, Susan Thompson, Rwanda genocide scholar [persona non grata in Rwanda], Dr. Jean Marie Vianney Higiro, former head of Rwanda Information Office, Faustin Twagiramungu, former Rwandan Prime Minister under Kagame.

Tutsi prince Antoine Theophile Nyetera:

At 8:30 pm on April 6 [1994], I heard the explosion when the president was killed. That night RPF-Inkotanyi killed people in Kicukiro, Remera and Kacyiru. They started killing Hutus throughout the whole night. They were killing people. The next day the Hutus started reacting. That’s how the fighting started. I would compare this to World War I when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated… and that started World War I.

Milton Allimadi:

Some of the earliest articles which appeared in the New York Time magazine and the New Yorker actually referred to the RPF soldiers as having aristocratic bearing whereas the contrast was made that the Hutu were agricultural squat and all the negative attributes that I mentioned earlier.

Professor Noam Chomsky:

The first interpretation of what was going on in Rwanda is that there was a horrible slaughter going on. I think that was pretty obvious at the time and even more obvious today. Yes it was a chocking slaughter. The standard version was that Hutu were carrying a lot of mindless killing of Tutsis…no raising the question.

Susan Thompson:

There were programmes. That there were massacres by both sides, disinformation on all sides at the elite level. As you go down the full chain, people were scared regardless of ethnicity or regardless of religion whatever cleavage you want to choose for Rwandans were caught off by violence. So it is absurd to say that only Tutsi are victims.

Dr. Jean Marie Vianney Higiro:

The RPF first when it invaded Rwanda it killed Hutus and Tutsis. Which means it was… it did not invade Rwanda to save Tutsis. Tutsis who had been left behind, those Tutsis, who remained behind in 1959, 1973, those were not aristocrats. The aristocrats are Kagame and his associates. They don’t care about those people.

Faustin Twagiramungu:

Did Kagame give order to shot down that airplane or not? Who was he after all? Is he innocent in what happened in Rwanda, in what happened in Congo? Is he really innocent? He is a criminal.

The Deluge [1] – Bill Clinton, Donatille Niragire, Jean Luc Habyarimana, Philippe Meilhac