The Definitive Guide to Taking Proper Care of Colored Hair

Posted on the 21 December 2022 by Nail

Colored hair is a beautiful statement. It allows you to express yourself and your style in ways that plain, natural hair simply can’t. But caring for colored hair takes a lot of effort and knowledge. Using the wrong products or techniques can leave your hair feeling dry and brittle or looking dull and lifeless.

If you’re looking to learn how to care for your colored hair properly, then this guide is just what you need. Here we’ll be discussing everything from product selection to washing techniques and more, so you can make sure your vibrant-colored locks stay healthy, hydrated, and looking their best!

What is colored hair?

If you’ve ever colored your hair, then you know that it requires some extra care to keep it looking its best. Here are some tips on how to take care of colored hair:

  • Use a color-safe shampoo and conditioner: Look for products that are specifically designed for colored hair. These will help to protect your hair color and keep it from fading.
  • Avoid hot water: Hot water can strip away your hair color, so try to use lukewarm or cool water when washing your hair.
  • Limit your time in the sun: UV rays can cause your hair color to fade, so if you’re going to be spending time in the sun, make sure to wear a hat or scarf to protect your hair.
  • Get regular trims: Getting regular trims will help to keep your hair looking healthy and prevent split ends from damaging your hair.

What are the different types of colored hair?

There are many different types of colored hair, and each type requires different care. The most common types of colored hair are:

  • Red hair
  • Black Hair with Blonde Underneath
  • Brown hair
  • Black hair

Each type of colored hair has its own unique set of challenges when it comes to caring. For example, red hair is particularly susceptible to fading, so it requires extra attention and special products. Blonde hair can be easily damaged by the sun, so it’s important to use products with UV protection. Brown hair can become dull and lifeless over time, so regular deep conditioning treatments are a must. And black hair is especially prone to dryness, so regular moisturizing is essential.

Basics of Hair Care for Coloured Hair

As someone with colored hair, you know that it requires a little more care than regular old hair. Here are the basics of hair care for colored hair:

  1. Use a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Sulfates can strip away natural oils and color from your hair, so it’s important to use products that are gentle on your locks.
  2. Avoid heat styling as much as possible. Heat can damage your hair and cause colors to fade, so air-dry or use cool settings on your blow-dryer whenever possible.
  3. Protect your hair from the sun. UV rays can cause colors to fade, so make sure to wear a hat or scarf when you’re spending time outdoors.
  4. Get regular trims. This will help keep your hair healthy and prevent split ends from damaging your strands.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your colored hair looking its best!

What products should be used for colored hair?

If you color your hair, it’s important to use products that are specifically designed for colored hair. These products will help to protect your hair color and keep it looking vibrant.

Look for shampoo and conditioner that is sulfate-free. Sulfates can strip away color, so it’s important to avoid them if you want to keep your hair looking its best.

There are also a number of leave-in treatments and styling products that are designed for colored hair. These can help to nourish and protect your hair, while also keeping your style in place.

If you’re not sure what products to use, ask your stylist for recommendations. They can help you choose the right products for your hair type and color.

How often should you color your hair?

If you’re wondering how often you should color your hair, the answer may depend on a few factors. First, consider your natural hair color and the shade of dye you’re using. If you have dark hair and are using a dark dye, you may be able to get away with coloring every 4-6 weeks. But if you have lighter hair or are using a light or bright dye, you’ll likely need to color more frequently, about every 2-4 weeks.

Another factor to consider is how much of your hair you’re coloring. If you’re only coloring a small section (e.g., highlights), you can probably extend the time between colorings. But if you’re doing an all-over color, you’ll need to touch it up more often.

Finally, think about how well you take care of your colored hair in between colorings. If you use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner, avoid heat styling, and protect your hair from the sun, you can probably go a little longer between colorings. But if you neglect your colored hair or use products that strip the color, you’ll need to dye it more often to keep it looking its best.

Coloured Hair Care Tips

If you have colored hair, you know that it requires a bit more care than natural hair. The good news is, we’ve put together a handy guide with all the tips and tricks you need to know to keep your colored hair looking fabulous!

First things first: use a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Sulfates can strip away color, so it’s important to use products that won’t fade your hue. We recommend using a purple shampoo or conditioner once a week to help keep brassy tones at bay.

Be sure to use a heat protectant before styling your hair – this will help prevent damage and keep your color vibrant. When drying your hair, avoid using super hot air – opt for cool or warm instead. And if you can air dry whenever possible, that’s even better!

Finally, make sure you’re getting regular trims. This may seem counterintuitive, but split ends can make your hair look dull and unhealthy – not to mention they can cause further damage to the shaft. Getting rid of those damaged ends will help keep your color looking fresh.

Following these simple tips will help you achieve gorgeous, healthy-looking colored hair that will turn heads everywhere you go!

How to Preserve your Hair Colour?

When it comes to colored hair, preserving your color is key to maintaining a healthy, vibrant look. Thankfully, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep your color looking its best.

First and foremost, be sure to use a shampoo and conditioner formulated for colored hair. These products will help protect your color from fading and help keep your hair looking healthy.

Additionally, avoid over-washing your hair as this can strip away natural oils that help keep your color looking fresh. aim to wash your hair 2-3 times per week, using a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo.

Finally, make sure to use a leave-in conditioner or treatment on colored hair to keep it hydrated and looking its best.

How to Remove Hair Dye?

If you’ve dyed your hair at home and aren’t happy with the results, don’t worry—it’s easy to fix. All you need is a little patience and the right products.

To remove hair dye, start by washing your hair with clarifying shampoo. Then, use a color-removing product according to the package directions. Finally, rinse your hair thoroughly with cool water and conditioner.

If you’re not able to remove all the dye with this method, you may need to visit a salon for help.

Choosing the Right Hair Products

One of the most important steps to maintaining colored hair is using the right products. Not all hair products are created equal, and colored hair often requires special care. Here are a few tips for choosing the right hair products for your colored hair:

  1. Look for products that are specifically designed for colored hair. These products will be more gentle on your hair and help to preserve your color.
  2. Avoid harsh chemicals and sulfates. These can strip away color and leave hair feeling dry and brittle.
  3. Choose moisturizing products. Colored hair can be prone to dryness, so it’s important to use products that will hydrate and nourish your locks.
  4. Protect your color with UV protection. Exposure to sunlight can cause color-treated hair to fade, so look for products that contain UV protection to help keep your hue vibrant longer.

Tips for Dealing with Fading of Hair Colour

As your hair color begins to fade, you may notice that your once-vibrant locks are starting to look dull and lackluster. Don’t despair – there are a few simple things you can do to help keep your hair looking its best.

Here are a few tips for dealing with fading hair color:

#1. Use a color-safe shampoo and conditioner.

When your hair color starts to fade, it’s important to use products that won’t strip away the remaining pigment. Look for color safe shampoo and conditioner formulas that are designed specifically for color treated hair – these products will help extend the life of your color.

#2. Avoid hot water.

Hot water can cause colored hair to fade faster, so try to stick to lukewarm or cool water when washing your locks. Not only will this help preserve your color, but it will also be gentler on your scalp and strands.

#3. Limit your time in the sun.

UV rays can cause colored hair to fade, so it’s important to limit your exposure to sunlight. If you’ll be spending time outdoors, wear a hat or scarf to protect your strands from the sun’s harmful rays.

#4. Touch up your color regularly.

To help combat fading hair color, schedule regular touch-ups with your stylist. This will help keep your color looking fresh and vibrant for longer periods of time between salon visits

Home Remedies for Colored Hair Care

Home remedies for colored hair care are plentiful and easy to find. There are a few things you can do at home to keep your color looking fresh and vibrant.

#First, use a gentle shampoo and conditioner. Look for products that are sulfate-free and designed for colored hair. Avoid washing your hair too often, as this can strip away the color. When you do wash, use cool or lukewarm water instead of hot.

#Second, protect your hair from the sun. The sun’s UV rays can cause color-treated hair to fade quickly. Wear a hat or scarf when you’re outdoors, and avoid extended time in direct sunlight.

#Third, avoid using heat-styling tools as much as possible. If you must use them, opt for lower temperatures and use a heat protectant spray beforehand. Overusing heat styling can damage colored hair and make it look dull and lifeless.

#Fourth, get regular trims. This will help get rid of any damaged or split ends that could be making your hair look less than its best. Getting regular trims also encourages healthy growth, so your hair will look even better over time!

Finally, don’t forget about deep conditioning treatments. These can help replenish moisture and keep colored hair looking shiny and healthy. Choose a treatment that’s specifically designed for colored hair, and use it once or twice per week for the best results


Taking proper care of colored hair can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the tips we’ve outlined here today, you should now feel confident enough to properly take care of your colored hair and keep it looking its best. As long as you follow these steps regularly, you’ll be well on your way to having beautiful locks that will turn heads and make you look like a total star!
