The Defenders Get Ready for War in a New Trailer

By Mountain Publishing @mountainpublish

Netflix revealed a new trailer for The Defenders this week in Comic-Con’s famed Hall H.

Like The Avengers did on the big screen, The Defenders will see multiple superheroes from different shows enering each other’s worlds, crossing paths and working together. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist have all starred in their own successful Netflix shows over the last few years. Although officially part of the same colourful universe as the Hulk, Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Netflix Marvel shows have kept their distance from the big screen Marvel movies, allowing them to develop a darker, more mature feel.

The new trailer gives us a closer look at Sigourney Weaver’s new villain, Alexandra. Check it out below:

The Defenders will be available to stream on Netflix from 18th August 2017.