The December Call Celebration at Bangalore

By Luphil

Every year on December 29th there is a celebration introduced by Master CVV for group initiation about 100 years ago. The December Call celebration was short, but intense. Getting up early in the morning, leaving the hotel around 4.30 am for a 30 minutes drive through the awakening city to Sadguru Tapovana, the center of WTT Bangalore, where the group has constructed  over a dozen houses and a spacious hall for celebration. The whole premises had been developed a lot since I was there the last time 3 years ago.

Around 5.30 the gathering started with a morning ritual followed by meditation and a lecture by Sri Kumar. He gave comments of the book “A Treatise on White Magic”, Rule 12 – Interludes and Cycles. The basic topic it the fundamental importance of pulsation with its phases of expansion and contraction in different fields of life, especially the importance of the interludes between one phase and the other.:

“In all planes existence and awareness happen When awareness joins existence there is no consciousness. It is pulsation. Form out of THAT the first awareness is emerging. As it emerges it has the inspiration to come back. It leaves and comes back. That is how the pulsating principle enables to stay connected to THAT. Without pulsation we don’t have connection. Pulsation enables all the planes of existence. There is pulsation at the grosser, subtler, causal planes, everywhere. When there is no pulsation the two become one, the awareness is absorbed into THAT.

It contracts and expands, when it is out it wants to come back. Happening within the cosmic nature and the cosmic substance permanently pulsate…”

On the 29th there was a fire ritual in the morning followed by a presentation of gifts on the occasion of the December Call. And in the evenings there were impressive cultural presentations by groups of children – recitations, Indian dance, little theater performances.

On the 30th in the afternoon we were invited to the inauguration of the new premises of an ayurvedic treatment center by a group member, where Sri Kumar gave a short talk:

A welcome in the ayurvedic centre

“J M Murthi is an ayurvedic master. He has been doing many cures. We are trying to organize his knowledge in the name of Master Holistic Centre, teaching ayurveda, homoeopathy and other knowledge to which humanity is looking, medicine without side-effects like allopathy. Ayurveda has been much more recognized on the planet the last time, how the 5 elements are functioning in the body. The father of Master EK touched great heights of Ayurveda. In his name and memory this foundation is started. It is called the Bharadwaja Ayurveda Chikitsa Kendra. Cleansing of almost all parts of the body is done here. So we started the Master Holistic Health Foundation…“

Sri Kumar with the picture of the father of Master EK.

The meeting was very well organised by the Bangalore group. There was a group of about 20 people from the West, from Argentina, Venezuela, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland – and some Indians from the States. I enjoyed the exchanges with friends and time passed by very quickly.