The Debate Poses More Dangers For Trump Than Biden

Posted on the 26 June 2024 by Jobsanger
All of the talking heads on cable news are talking about the impending presidential debate. They are opining about whether Trump or Biden will win or lose the debate.

I think the debate poses more dangers for Trump than for President Biden. Trump, and his GOP cronies have lowered the bar for Biden by framing him as a doddering old man. All Biden has to do is present himself as knowledgeable and competent and he's a winner.

But there are several ways in which Trump could blow the debate.


Trump loves to claim he is a victim - both of the 2020 election and his recent conviction in a New York trial. That may sell well with his die-hard supporters, but not most voters. Most people know he lost the 2020 election fair and square and most believe he was guilty of the 34 felonies he was convicted of in New York. They won't buy his victimhood, and will just consider it whining - and they don't want a whiner but a leader!


Trump usually avoids discussing policies, but he has enumerated a few - more tax cuts for the rich and corporations, leaving abortion to the states, abolishing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and initiating new tariffs (which Americans would wind up paying). These are not popular stances with the public, and talking about them in the debate will not win any new voters.


This is a favorite tactic of Trump, and he has used it in past debates - calling his opponents names and trying to intimidate them. CNN has tried to eliminate that by having no audience (so Trump can't count of his supporters to hep intimidate) and turning off his microphone when it isn't his turn to talk. But he still might try to interrupt and/or shout down his opponent. It won't help him because most Americans don't like bullies.


In his rallies, Trump has had a habit of going off topic and talking about strange things that don't make much sense when he doesn't have a teleprompter. And example is his weird discussion of electric boats sinking and sharks. If he does this during the debate, it will just have many voters wondering if he is mentally competent.

Biden will come out of the debate sounding like a competent person. Trump needs to do the same. But I doubt Trump is capable of that. I believe he will do one (or more) of the things above and blow it!