The Day Job

By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." -Henry David Thoreau
When Megan, The Fashionable Bureaucrat tweeted "I'm quitting my job in 1 hour. #happydanceofglee #feelingnauseated" my stomach clenched a little. And I took a big breath and made a wish for her. After all, this marvelously styled woman is obviously off to explore a new adventure, sans her old day job. My heart goes out to Megan, and all I can say is that I hope she gets plenty of opportunity for success! I suppose I can relate more than a little- after all, in a matter of speaking, I just quit my "day job" too. Now my main income and my focus is selling vintage and the pre-loved goods that I've been collecting for over two decades . Let's hope this new day job can bring me better financial favor than I had working in kitchens.
I am a nervous Nellie about the challenges but think I'm up for the adventure. There are so many sisters who also are doing it for themselves! I take note from the likes of Karina Dresses designer, Karina Cousineau, and Serene The Elegant Bohemian who also sells on eBay, A big inspiration for me is Gabriala, who is not only the elegant dresser of Style Higher, but a business savvy CEO and Green business owner. She is someone who appreciates organics and sustainability, making products that are people friendly and good for the environment. Local friends, like Jodie who runs Lemon Drop Boutique, and O'maima of Beats and Bohos, have created wonderful businesses and have given me smart advice to help make it happen for me too.

First Rate Women Who SHOP SECONDHAND FIRST. (And sell it!)

Women like Vix, Terri, Dusk, glorious creatures I haven't met, but who put the fire in my belly with the determination to  succeed in the currency of joy and happiness. I want to send out a thank you to every soul sister who is carving out their own take on happiness and still finds the resources to be a source of strength and support for others. Vix is thrillingly selling her vintage stash at her Kinky Melon's Retro Boutique, and word on the street is that Terri, the academic with a heart of gold is nearing retirement and will be supplementing her income on eBay too.

One-of-a-Kind Finds: This Gorgeous Coat is Available HERE until March 21st.

I remember a conversation I had with a dear friend (Hi, Antonia!) from many years ago: her point was what a life changer a $500 increase of income a month would be to a woman. The more I give thought to her premise, the more I believe it to be true. That could be someone's travel budget, or the difference between buying those extras for your kids, or a second chance that you might not otherwise afford. It all comes down to creating a cottage industry that helps channel money to women to aid in their establishment of financial security and independence. It was that conversation that triggered my then hobby of buying and selling vintage into a dream and a goal to earn my keep by doing it.It's been a long time coming, but that time is now.

Boom. Boom. Boom. And bloom.
Which in a not-so-round-about-way, has everything to do with this blog. I began it, nearly 5 years ago as a way to promote an earlier attempt to start my own business. I'm a bit lagging, but this is the moment it truly begins. I hope you are rooting for me, and for all the women who are muscling their way into a independent marketplace.
Speaking of muscles, and marketplace, I have some good news! As of next week, I will have a small space selling at Atlas in the Fremont district. Fremont is a neighborhood deserving of a whole blog unto itself, but in short, a fantastic space to move into. So it's official- I'm a poet/dreamer/rabble rouser who also happens to be a clothing re-seller. Say hello to the new day job: curator/purveyor for Citizens of Rosebud, one-of-a-kind finds for original people.

Top it Off: Great Hats for Good People. Available HERE HERE and HERE

If you're on Facebook, I've created a special FIRST DIBS photo album where I'll be posting my best finds before I list them. You'll have 2 days to call dibs- before listing, and get a great deal. If we do the sales through We Pay, instead of Paypal (it's a lot cheaper!) and I'm not paying the listing fees for eBay or Etsy, I can afford to give you a great price on a goodie. This link gets you access even if you don't have a Facebook account.
I invite you to visit the shops, and I can even give you a discount code for the Etsy shop! Use code ROSEBUD at checkout and get 10% off your purchase. I'm going after my dreams and am going to live the life I've imagined. Won't you join me?
Citizen Rosebud on Etsy