The Day After: Obama's 'Thug' Kids Protest Across America Over Zimmerman Verdict (Photos and Videos)

Posted on the 15 July 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
We are all Trayvon, some of the signs read during the protests across across America, in San Francisco, Chicago, Denver, Baltimore, Detroit, New York and other cities, over the verdict which found George Zimmerman not guilty of second degree murder or manslaughter in the death of Trayvon Martin.
Well, in March of 2012, Barack Obama said "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon', so for all intents and purposes, the protesters are all Obama's kids, because hey, they are all Trayvon.
Before seeing what some of these thugs, you know, Obama's kids, were doing yesterday, lets point out that an FBI investigation, conducted back in 2012,  "found no evidence that racial bias was a motivating factor in the shooting of Trayvon Martin."
The lead detective in the case agreed with the FBI conclusions, saying  Zimmerman profiled Trayvon because of his attire and the circumstances — but not his race.
Despite that, Obama injected race into the situation. Al Sharpton did the same. NBC edited the 911 call from Zimmerman, removing the portion of the call where the operator asked specifically if Trayvon was "white, black or Hispanic" and by removing that one questions, deliberately made it seem that Zimmermn profiled Trayvon for the color of his skin. (Note- Zimmerman is suing NBC for defamation)
Due to the actions of very irresponsible media, Obama, Sharpton and the like, it became a racial issue, which is a very good reason a person is tried in a court of law where evidence rules, not a court of public opinion where emotions, feelings and people duped by our politicians and media decide the fate of a man because they were fed misinformation.
The Day After: Admittedly, many of the protests were peaceful, yet holding signs claiming racism.
Peace did not reign at all the protests though, as the pictures below will show and as the arrests in California attest to, after protesters threw flashlight batteries, rocks and chunks of concrete toward police in Los Angeles.
This is "democracy" according to the chants of the protesters.

Newsflash: That is not democracy. For the record, maybe someone should point out that America is a Republic that holds democratic elections, not a democracy, anyway.