The Daily Ranker: Looking at the 10 Greatest NFL Quarterback Seasons Ever

By Ceboscuit @ceboscuit

Exploring the Top 10 Best NFL Quarterback Seasons of All Time with The Daily Ranker

The quarterback position is considered the most important and toughest in professional sports. FOX Sports Research ranked the top 10 seasons by quarterbacks, with Tom Brady's 2007 season leading the list. Peyton Manning's 2013 season and Patrick Mahomes' 2018 season also made the top three. Other notable seasons include Dan Marino in 1984, Drew Brees in 2011, and Aaron Rodgers in 2011. Jalen Hurts and Lamar Jackson also had impressive seasons. Honorable mentions include Mahomes in 2022, Manning in 2004, Rodgers in 2011, and Cam Newton in 2015. Each quarterback showcased exceptional talent, leading their teams to success.
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