The Dada Weatherman: folK.itUp

Posted on the 13 April 2015 by George De Bruin @SndChaser


The Dada Weatherman: folK.itUp

Artist: The Dada Weatherman
Title / Release PagefolK.itUp
Release Date: 2015 Feb 02
Genre: Pop Folk
License: CC BY-SA
Media:  MP3 / OGG
Pricing: Free / License for Commercial Use
Label: Jamendo

So, I thought this was a group that I knew from back in the 80’s.  But a search of Discogs and AllMusic has proven to me that I am wrong.  Moreso, I have learned that it used to be Dada & The Weathermen instead of the current group title.  Dada is a gentleman from Paris, who was born in 1988 — so there is conclusive proof that he couldn’t be the same as the band I recall from the mid-80’s, unless there is some weird wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey (for Doctor Who fans) stuff going on. The Dada Weatherman: folK.itUp is his first release in over a year, let’s check it out.

The Dada Weatherman: folK.itUp

If The Dada Weatherman: folK.itUp is an EP of tracks that didn’t make it to the current project that Dada is working on then there is going to be a phenomenal release coming later.  My only question is: what are they putting in the water in France?  I’ve mentioned Jekyll Wood before on this site, who is a phenomenal singer / songwriter, and now we have Dada, who is just as excellent.

This release starts with Lost To Me, a song that feels like an homage to the 70’s with a strolling riff, and driving beat that you can’t help but like.  And when the chorus kicks in, you will be hooked, quite literally.  It’s a song about the loss of a relationship to external forces, and it’s just a good, foot-stomping piece.

Fuck It is a funky, grooving tune, with some of the smoothest backing vocals I’ve heard in a long time. This is one of those times where I just let the feeling of the tune wash over me, it’s one of those songs that I don’t want to tear apart, it’s infectious, especially “Get a / Get a / Get a feel // Get a / Get a / Get a feel alright” is just a groove that makes you feel better when you have to do something that you just don’t want to do.

Of course, not all of the tracks on this release are going to be upbeat, foot-stomping grooves, and so we change it up with The Way I Feel, which has a more gospel, down-tempo feeling to it.  With excellent guitar work, and a solid verse that is all about being able to express what you are feeling.

And, there are still four more tracks, but I don’t want to give away all of the fun of this release.  There are more up-tempo songs, more funk, more groove, more feeling and more of everything that was in the first three tracks.

I compared Dada to Jekyll Wood because they are both from France.  But, it just occurred to me there is another comparison that is worth making: Kris Roche.  There is a positive nature to Kris’s writing, and a smilar element is found in Dada’s writing on this EP.  If you like either of these artists, you definitely want to check out The Dada Weatherman: folK.itUp.


The Dada Weatherman: folK.itUp is supposed to be an EP of songs that haven’t made it into the project that he is working on right now.  If these are the rejects, then the material that is coming is likely going to be totally mind-blowing.  This release has enough funk, groove and positive energy to fill me for days. Comparisons to Jekyll Wood and Kris Roche aren’t unfounded, they are natural extensions of what I hear in his work.  If you like acoustic folk pop that has R&B, funk, and all the positivity you can possibly handle, then this definitely a release for you.