S. D. writes: Through all of the revolutions, somehow, someway the Iberian ruling classes have managed to remain on top and the Mestizos and Indians end up fleeing to the United States.
South Americans are not coming here, but S. D. is correct that Mexico and Central America do a piss poor job of distributing the wealth in their countries, and that is one reason why so many of their citizens come here.
I do not know how many Nicaraguans are coming here, but under the Sandinistas, it was mostly the upper and middle classes who were fleeing to Miami. Now large numbers of White upper and middle class Venezuelans have been leaving for Miami, but this has been going on for over a decade now through the whole time the Chavistas have been running things. Traditionally, it was the Whiter Cubans who used to be in the upper to middle classes who fled to Miami.
Of course 100% of the Venezuelans, Nicaraguans and Cubans all get admitted straight in because they are fleeing from “evil leftwing governments.” In reality, 100% of these people, including the Cubans, are economic refugees. There are zero political refugees fleeing Cuba due to persecution or Venezuela or Nicaragua for that matter.
If you are that much of a dissident in Cuba that the state really hates you, they may put you in prison, or they may just ask you to leave the country and not come back. There is something called the Orderly Departure Program in which you have to wait in line for 6 months in order to get a chance to leave the country. Then you can leave if you can get some country to accept you, which is the major problem because ~100% of them want to go to the US, and we only let in ~22,000/year, which is ~20,000 too many if you ask me. A few want to go to Spain.
What is fascinating is that we always hear how wonderful the capitalist countries of Latin America and how much better they are than Cuba, but when it comes time to leave, ~0% of Cubans want to go to the capitalist countries of Latin America. Gee, are the Latin American capitalist countries really so much better after all?
Now, it is true that there are numbers of Cubans holed up in some Latin American countries. There are quite a few in Mexico and also in Ecuador, but ~100% of them in both countries are trying to get into the US and have no intention of staying in Mexico or Ecuador.
Of course, during the revolutionary wars in Central America in the 1980’s, many Guatemalans and Salvadorans were desperately trying to get into the US due to genuine fears of persecution; however, 98% of them were turned away because the US assumed that anyone fleeing those countries due to political persecution was a leftwinger.
In the case of the Salvadorans, the US immigration agents did paraffin tests on the palms of the male refugees to see if they had fired a gun recently. If they had, it was assumed that they were guerillas. The US then sent them back to El Salvador with the positive paraffin test and said, “This guy is a guerrilla.” In most cases, the Salvadoran security forces were waiting outside the planes when they came back from the US with lists. The men who were on the lists as possible guerrillas were typically grabbed, carted away and tortured to death or disappeared.