The Crow Who Asked for Help

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Crows are members of the genus Corvus, among which are also Ravens.

Crows are believed to be the most intelligent of birds. Recent research has found some crow species capable of not only tool use but also tool construction and meta-tool use. Crows not only are the most intelligent of birds, they are now considered to be among the world’s most intelligent animals, with an encephalization quotient approaching that of some apes.

Although the bird in the video below is referred to as a raven, it really is a crow. According to the pictures in Wikipedia, while both birds have black feathers, ravens have yellow eyes, while crows — like the one in the video — has black eyes.

Gertie Cleary of Elmsdale in Nova Scotia, Canada tolds CTV News that one day she noticed that a fledgling raven crow was sitting on her fence and seemed to be asking for her help. Cleary recounts what happened:

“A wild raven crow perched himself on our fence and squawked for over an hour. I went to see what was up with him and saw that he had four porcupine quills stuck in him, three in the side of his face and one in his wing.”

So Cleary put on her gloves and pulled out the quills, one by one, while her daughter took a video. Cleary then gave the raven crow some dog food.

The raven crow stayed around her house for about a day, then flew away into the wild.

Hope Swinimer, the founder and director of Hope for Wildlife, says that Cleary  did the right thing. If she hadn’t pulled the quills out of the raven crow’s face, it probably would have flown off to heaven.
