The Connect and “Barf” Method Rarely Works!

Posted on the 12 February 2014 by Tim Mushey @TimMushey73

I love to discuss this scenario when speaking about networking with anyone who is interested in hearing my take….

You are at an after work business mixer – a cocktail party per se. You meet somebody for the first time, shake hands and exchange business cards. What would their body language be, and what would they say if the next thing you did was try and sell them something?

So why do so many people think this is ok to do when connecting online?

I could rattle off many examples when this has happened to me. I am stunned and bewildered every time.  I am now less and less surprised because it is becoming more prevalent online.

Relationships take time to develop, and people typically only purchase from those that they know, like and trust.

Somebody can’t possibly have a hot clue what you are all about after you have just said “hello”. Most people would think you were an alien trying to connect for the first time offering your products and/or services.

  • Thank people for connecting when they confirm your “request to connect” via social media
  • Provide value 
  • Get to know them, and actually listen to them
  • Connect them with like-minded people in your network

People will see right through you if you are only in this to sell. But if you put the focus on them, and show that you actually care about building  long-term relationships, you will be much more successful when it comes time to present your offer.

Don’t just “barf”. That is just plain lazy!

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