The Collapse of Post-Colonial Africa, Or What Went Wrong?

Posted on the 15 May 2014 by Calvinthedog

Jason Y writes:

A lot of the problems of US blacks are caused by one parent homes. However, I’m not sure about Africa. I do know that many Africans have been orphaned because of AIDS. Could this relate to the problem?

Although traditional life in much of Africa was reportedly short, nasty and brutish as reported by early White travelers to the region (see Negroes in Negroland, available on the web), in the 20th Century, it was not all bad. As you can see below, traditional Nigerian village life had little crime.

I knew a very smart and honest Nigerian man who came from a small village. He himself admitted that his country was a failed state. He said that in his village there was almost no crime. There were very strict rules against every sort of legal transgression and the punishments were very serious. You could be banned from the village, beaten up, or tortured. In many cases of more serious crime such as rape or homicide, you were simply killed, just like that. So the death penalty was in force for much crime.

I read once on a forum about a guy who went and lived in a Nigerian village for a while. There was almost no crime there, and people were very nice. The women are all super horny and he was a single White man. Half the women in the village wanted him. So he entertained one after the other of these women sexually. They all knew what was going on and did not mind being one of many although they all hoped to nab him. The women were also very feminine, submissive and even shy, which shows that there is no biological imperative for Black women to be highly masculine compared to females of other races.

Almost all of the crime and chaos coming out of Nigeria is from the Christian South. In the North, although there is a terrorist problem, there is reportedly almost zero crime. Almost no Internet scamming whatsoever takes place in the Muslim North. Furthermore, most politicians in the North are comparatively honest, while finding an honest politician from the Christian South is so impossible that it would probably violate a law of physics to find one.

Traditional village life in Nigeria before 1960 had very little crime. There were very strict rules that had to be obeyed and they had the Asian “do not bring shame on your family” thing. Village life has now broken down and West African villages are often frighteningly poor. So many have moved to the cities of Africa. The poverty and squalor in these cities is simply insane. Traditional culture has for all intents and purposes collapsed and the rest has been chaos, anarchy, massive corruption, a phenomenal crime rate, and overall extreme dysfunction. Most African large cities are simply flat out dangerous. I would not advise anyone to go there.