The Clock is Always Ticking

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

In the Blogging world, it always appears The Clock is Always Ticking.

More and more people are entering the blogging world making it very competitive for those who are blogging for money as their business. But what does that do to the hobby blogger like me and so many others?

We either try to compete for attention OR give up and try something else.

I enjoy being a hobby blogger. My goal was to never try to make money blogging. I have a full-time job that brings home my bucks. However, does that mean I have less a voice to be heard? Does that mean that my blog should be passed by because I’m not trying to be a HUGE blogger like the pro’s?

Absolutely not!

There are a lot of bloggers out there like myself. We have something to say. We have life experiences to share. We feel that blogging not only helps OURSELVES but can help OTHERS.

Isn’t that what part of blogging is about?

What about the other part? For me, building a COMMUNITY of like-minded bloggers and non-bloggers is my other goal.

I previously posted about how difficult building a community can be. Do you remember Building A Community is Harder than You Think?

I haven’t given up yet!

I’ve recently had some changes on the job front which has left me busier than ever.

I’ve also have been enjoying more time with my family. Remember: It’s the small things in Life that matter.

Yet I still try to make time for my passion of blogging, networking with others, and building my community.

Is it worth it?

I believe so. I’ve made some changes to my blog to enable me more freedom. I moved back to free hosting with Did I enter into that decision lightly? Absolutely not! However, the lack of blog maintenance on self-host and the repetitive fight with Spammers was more time than I can handle now.

I feel I have lost some of my loyal followers but don’t we all go through phases like that? We lose some, we gain some.

How do you manage your time?

I know I’m not the only full-time working blogger here so I’m asking you, how do you manage to keep blogging with so many other priorities in your life?

  1. Have you cut back on how many posts you publish a week?
  2. Have you cut back on how many blogs you visit per day? Per week?
  3. What about other social networks? Do you cut back on Facebook Groups or Google+ Communities so you can keep linked to your blog more?

Please share your secrets with us!

As I continue to juggle my time, I have no set schedule for publishing posts yet I wish I could. However, My Girly Parts isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. As a matter of fact, I’m amping up my content a bit and planning on being a bit more risqué as well as direct blunt. Short story, be prepared for more girly goodness!

Now back to you and your time management secrets, let’s hear em!