‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ on Netflix: Everything We Know So Far

Posted on the 11 May 2022 by Sandeep Malik

2022 will mark the fourth anniversary of while Netflix introduced it had obtained the rights to evolve new Chronicles of Narnia films and collection. Since then we’ve had one principal assertion and a number of nothing. Here’s the entirety we recognize approximately Netflix’s The Chronicles of Narnia diversifications as of April 2022

Before we dive into Netflix’s involvement going forward, let’s fast take a glance lower back at what the ee-e book collection is and the way it’s been tailored previously.

Note: This is an ongoing article that’ll be up to date through the years as we study greater – closing up to date: April 22nd, 2022.

What are The Chronicles of Narnia?

Let’s start out with the basics. The Chronicles of Narnia is a ee-e book collection from the famed writer C.S.Lewis that had been posted withinside the 1950s.

The ee-e book collection is a fable collection that transports us to the fictitious realm of Narnia. In total, seven books had been posted below the Chronicles of Narnia banner.

How The Chronicles of Narnia books were advanced earlier than

The collection has visible a couple of diversifications through the years consisting of a BBC collection, a radio collection and of course, the Disney films.

The ee-e book collection largest edition got here in 2005 while Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media launched the primary film entitled: “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”.

It later launched every other movie that turned into dispensed below Disney with the 1/3 film being dispensed via way of means of twentieth Century Fox. A fourth film turned into deliberate however in no way materialized.

How and while Netflix scored the Narnia franchise

The information of Netflix teaming up with The C.S. Lewis Company dropped lower back in October 2018.

Netflix has a “multi-yr deal” wherein it’ll have a couple of movie and collection initiatives at the cross all primarily based totally at the books of Narnia exclusively.

Alongside the unique assertion, Ted Sarandos, who’s now the co-CEO of Netflix, stated: “C.S. Lewis’s liked Chronicles of Narnia tales have resonated with generations of readers across the international,” adding “Families have fallen in love with characters like Aslan and the whole international of Narnia, and we’re pleased to be their domestic for years to come.”

It turned into additionally reiterated a couple of instances that Netflix might be adapting Narnia right into a Universe, positioning the collection to move up in opposition to the likes of Game of Thrones and the Marvel Cinematic Universe albeit for a greater family-oriented audience.

You can see greater from the unique press launch over at the reputable Narnia Facebook publish however right here are the principle lines:

“Netflix will expand new collection and movie initiatives primarily based totally on C.S. Lewis’ liked The Chronicles of Narnia collection. Under the phrases of a multi-yr deal among Netflix and The C.S. Lewis Company, Netflix will expand traditional tales from throughout the Narnia universe into collection and movies for its participants worldwide.

All collection and movies produced thru the deal might be Netflix productions, with Mark Gordon of Entertainment One (eOne) along Douglas Gresham and Vincent Sieber serving as govt manufacturers for collection and as manufacturers for features.

The maximum crucial element of the Netflix deal and what makes it greater particular than what has come earlier than is that Netflix has get entry to to all seven of the books. This approach a number of the later books which have in no way visible diversifications earlier than might be coming to Netflix in which preceding proprietors of the license haven’t been capable of.

We do recognize (courtesy of IMDbPro) that Mark Gordon, Douglas Gresham, Vincent Sieber might be concerned with maximum of the imminent Netflix Narnia initiatives.

Matthew Aldrich becomes “architect” on Narnia Universe for Netflix in 2019

Months after watching for greater facts on Narnia on Netflix, finally, we were given a few information on June 12th, 2019.

The information got here that the co-creator for Disney Pixar’s Coco, a multi-award triumphing film, might be operating on Narnia. In a tweet, Netflix’s See What’s Next account stated the following:

“Coco co-creator Matthew Aldrich will function the innovative architect and oversee the improvement of all movies and indicates tailored from C.S. Lewis’ liked Narnia universe for Netflix”

In January 2020, Narniaweb published that Douglas Gresham (stepson of C. S. Lewis) has little expertise of in which Netflix is at with manufacturing.

Jordan Raynor: What is the modern day in this partnership among Netflix and the C. S. Lewis Company?

Douglas Gresham: Yeah, to be honest, I can’t let you know very a good deal at all. We did the deal pretty a few months in the past and I haven’t heard a phrase because. I imply, I am indexed because the producer, however I’ve heard no phrase on what they plan to do or how they plan to do it or once they plan to do it for that matter. Looking at things, I don’t recognize whether or not Netflix is prepared to rock ‘n roll in this or now no longer, however we can discover in due course.

In June 2020, NarniaWeb picked up on a Q&A with the supervisor of Matthew Aldrich who said that the Netflix initiatives might be accomplished from the attitude of children saying:

“Characters come from expertise people. Sometimes it’s approximately having children…

Matt Aldrich can write children proper now due to the fact he has children and he talks to them and he’s seeking to discern them out. He runs his scripts via way of means of them and he pitches them tales. When they become bored he cuts it, once they get excited he provides it. His children are a trying out room.”

Since the architect assertion, it’s been very quiet from Netflix as plenty of making plans is going into the diverse initiatives.

In January 2021, Scott Stuber who heads Netflix’s movie department instructed the New York Times that Narnia turned into many of the initiatives anticipated to launch “past 2021” that means that despite the fact that we’d listen of initiatives this yr, we’re now no longer looking ahead to the discharge of any.

Netflix France is one of the few Netflix bills to continuously renowned the indicates and films are even nevertheless in life with the closing interplay being on March 14th, 2021.

The best replace we’ve had concerning Narnia because Netflix France recounted its life turned into thru a supply for NarniaWeb in August 2021 who instructed them that the titles are nevertheless in improvement.

One extra element we need to point out in 2022 is that Ted Biaselli, a community govt at Netflix who’s a “Director of Original Series” lists Narnia in his LinkedIn bio saying:

“Spearheaded the formation of the 4-quad Family Programming slate consisting of improvement and manufacturing of Netflix Original Series Fuller House, Haters Back Off, Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events, Lost in Space, The Umbrella Academy, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, Dolly Parton’s Heartstrings, Raising Dion and Green Eggs and Ham, Sweet Tooth and the imminent Chronicles of Narnia.”

Once once more in 2022, Netflix France recounted improvement continues to be ongoing.

Where will The Chronicles of Narnia on Netflix begin from?

The Lion, Witch and The Wardrobe is the herbal place to begin for Narnia however The Magician’s Nephew ee-e book serves because the prequel which fleshes out the world of Narnia and might make a greater logical begin for Netflix to kickstart the universe with.

You can listen greater on a dialog from the Narniaweb podcast under in which they speculate it can make feel initially Magician’s Nephew this time around.

This might imply Netflix might adapt the books withinside the so-called “Harper Collins” order which will be the following:

  • The Magician’s Nephew
  • The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  • The Horse and His Boy
  • Prince Caspian
  • The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  • The Silver Chair
  • The Last Battle.

The men at Narniaweb additionally speculated that their diversifications can be barely darker. They specially in comparison them to the Anne with an E collection on Netflix which turned into a good deal darker than the supply cloth it’s far primarily based totally on.

In a talk with Georgie Henley in April 2020, who performed Lucy withinside the Disney franchise has stated she’d be receptive of offering withinside the Netflix reboot however confessed it’s possibly unlikely.

What Narnia initiatives are in improvement

Thanks to IMDBpro, we’re capable of see the primary 3 Netflix initiatives concerning Narnia thru Matthew Alrich’s profile. Here are every of the initiatives and in which they’re reportedly in improvement:

Untitled Netflix/Chronicles of Narnia Series is reportedly the furthest in improvement with it coming into pre-manufacturing reportedly lower back in October 2018.

Untitled Netflix/Chronicles of Narnia TV Movie indexed in pre-manufacturing as of October 2018.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew (Treatment degree however predicted to be an vintage project)

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair (that is the cancelled very last Disney film and consequently isn’t predicted to move ahead)

Other Narnia News

In January 2020, Narniafans published that a brand new documentary turned into in improvement surrounding C.S. Lewis.

In early 2020, numerous fan-made posters went viral on social media. For many, this turned into the primary time many had heard Netflix is adapting the books.

That’s all we recognize so far. There’s lots to be introduced, lots to be excited for and lots to be learned. We’ll be there each step of the manner to peer what’s in shop for Narnia on Netflix.

The post ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ on Netflix: Everything We Know So Far first appeared on Big Bullz.