Title: The Chronicles of Light and DarkSeries: The Legend of the Archangel book 5
Author: L.L. HunterGenre: YA paranormal romance/ fantasyDesigned by: Regina Wamba of Mae I Design and PhotographyRelease Date: November 30 2015
Nephilim are going missing.Lakyn has been shot.The world is coming to an end and all clues seem to point to Lucifer’s army.With Lakyn out of commission, Dyston is forced to fight his battles for him. But there is a problem: he is injured too.As Scarlett and her friends attempt to find the missing Nephilim and figure out who would want Lakyn dead, a betrayal of the worst kind is about to shatter everyone involved.
In the much anticipated fifth installment of the bestselling Legend of the Archangel series,Secrets will be unraveled. Sides will be chosen. Lines will be drawn.Who will choose darkness?And who will choose light?
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Pre-order your copy:Amazon: http://amzn.com/B015ZB1B42iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/au/book/chronicles-light-dark/id980734459?mt=11Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/the-chronicles-of-light-and-darkNook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-chronicles-of-light-and-dark-ll-hunter/1121650445?ean=2940151839822