The Christmas Tree Birthday Cake

By Coreyamaro

The Christmas tree birthday cake from the frozen food shop called: Picard.

The cake is shaped as three covered white Christmas trees, it comes under a dome. The cake is three vertical layers of chocolate on top of a cookie crust.

It serves 6 to 8 persons.

Or three mammoth sizes and crumbs for the mom.

Chelsea's birthday sets off the Christmas mode. We usually do not decorate for Christmas until after Chelsea's birthday on the 20th. This year the birthday cake was the most "Christmas" looking cake ever. None of us minded, it was enchanting.

We gathered at our apartment is Paris.

We hadn't all been together in over two months. 

Chelsea's had traveled to Nepal last month full of stories to share, Sacha is busy with school, Mr. Espresso went home to be with his family (Thank you EVER so much for your prayers. Jean Luc will remain in the hospital for some time. Please continue to pray for him. His foot remains critical due to the severely damaged artery.)

French Husband and I were all smiles and chatter being with our favorite people.

Twenty five.

Thank you for your birthday wishes to Chelsea, and your prayers for Jean Luc.
