The Christmas Traditions Tag

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

I decided to write my own Christmas tag focusing on those traditions that we all have, so I hope you enjoy!

1. When does Christmas start for you?

For me Christmas starts as soon as term starts in September, I will throw myself into Christmas shopping and begin to think about how I will be wrapping my presents.

2. What is one Christmas movie you must watch? 

Christmas isn’t complete until I’ve watched The Greatest Store in the World and The Grinch, both are just the best Christmas movies ever!

3. Do you bake a Christmas cake or buy one?

We always bake a Christmas cake, we’re quite late in baking ours as we wait until October half term.

4. When do you put up your Christmas tree?

Our Christmas tree goes up on the weekend nearest to the 12th of December.

5. Do you have a real or fake Christmas tree?

We used to always buy a real one, but they were getting too expensive so now we have a fake one, it looks as real as can be, but it just doesn’t have the smell of Christmas.

6. When do you start playing Christmas music?

Once we get into November I start playing Christmas music, I try to hold off but it’s just not possible. I love singing along to Christmas songs, I remember the year I worked at Sainsbury’s doing night shifts we had the same Christmas CD playing for the whole month of December and it was just amazing!

7. Do you use the same Christmas decorations each year or buy new ones?

We don’t go for a complete revamp but we do buy some new decorations each year to go with the old ones. We have a few sets of Christmas tree decorations so we have a vote to see which ones we will use each year. I like the traditional colours, while my sister prefers to go for something a little more modern.

8. How do you spend Christmas Eve?

Christmas Eve is usually a day at home, though this year I’ll be at the Ilkley Christmas film festival on my own watching Christmas movies! In the evening we have pizza in front of the tv which is a treat for us. Me and my sister have to be in bed for 9, so we always watch the Grinch in bed. My mom always comes and tucks us in and read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, and the Nativity story to us.

9. Advent calendar or no advent calendar?

For me there has to be an advent calendar, I don’t know how I’d cope without one.I love opening the doors each day! I always get a chocolate one, though I’m thinking of treating myself to a Playmobil one this year. I love the look of the beauty advent calendars but they’re just a bit too expensive when I probably won’t use all of the products.

10. Do you leave a snack out for Santa and his reindeers?

I’m 22 and I still leave Santa a mince pie and a glass of milk, the reindeer get a couple of carrots to share too.

11. How does Santa get into your house?

Santa has to use a magic key to get into our house, we have a log burner so it’s not possible for him to get down the chimney.

12. Mince pies, yay or nay?

I don’t like mince pies at all, when I visit people I get to use the excuse that I can’t eat them because I can’t eat pastry.

13. Snowballs, eggnog, or mulled wine?

Mulled wine all the way for me, I can’t think of anything better than a class of mulled wine over the festive season. I love curling up under a blanket with a Christmas movie on, a big tub of chocolates, and a glass of mulled wine.

14. What scents remind you of Christmas?

It has to be spicy scents, and I think that’s why they’re my favorite to wear. Cinnamon, star anise, cloves, just conjure up a lovely Christmas scene in my mind. I also love the scent of pine needles, until recently we always had a real Christmas tree, and for me that scent means Christmas is just around the corner.

15. How do you spend Christmas Day?

I always wake up mega early and have to wait till about 6 before I can wake my sister up and then we open our stockings together. We go downstairs at 7 to open our Christmas presents, and then it’s a trip to church and then the pub! Once we come home it’s a bit of quiet time before Christmas dinner, we usually have my stepdad’s family round but this year we’re not having them on Christmas day. Once Christmas dinner is over it’s time for me to open my birthday presents, and have my cake. Then it’s back to Christmas with the Doctor Who special, and we like to play a trivia quiz.

I am going to tag:

Becky – 
Hayley – 
Leona - 
Donna - 

If you want to do the tag then feel free to consider yourself tagged!

Beth x