The Checklist: Here’s What You Need to Start Playing Basketball

Posted on the 12 July 2022 by Jitender Sharma

Basketball is an extremely popular sport all around the world. So if you or your young person is interested in playing basketball, there are some supplies you’re going to want to have in order to get started. Be sure to check with your coach if you’re joining a team if there are any team specific items you should have. 

Baller Shoes

When you’re looking to buy basketball shoes online, it helps to know what you need out of the shoe. Of course, there is no shoe that’s going to have you playing like LeBron James, but a supportive shoe can make the difference between an avoidable injury and a solid defensive stance.


If you’re going to get good at the sport, you’re going to need at least one basketball. You don’t need anything fancy to get started. Just make sure that the size of the ball is comfortable for you. There are child sized balls for smaller children. And if you have your own ball, it’s a good idea to also have a ball pump and needle, so that you can keep your ball properly inflated.

Water Bottle

Basketball is a whole body sport that takes a lot of energy and sweat. The last thing you want is to feel dehydrated and spent. Be sure to have plenty of water and stay hydrated and comfortable. Choose a water bottle that has a secure closure, to avoid spills and a covered mouthpiece to keep out dust and debris.


Safety is paramount when playing contact sports. Keep your mouth and teeth safe with a mouthguard. A custom fit is far more advantageous, but a generic mouthguard is certainly better than nothing at all. You just might beagle to save yourself an emergency dentistry trip (and bill) when you have the proper safety gear.

Comfortable Clothes

It may be tempting to go out and get a couple of basketball jerseys, but they are not a necessity. Comfortable clothing is a must. Loose fitting clothing that allows you to move and air to circulate are what you really want. Gym shorts are best, but sweat pants can be just as comfortable.

Zippered Bag

You’ll want a duffel bag or some type of zippered bag to stash all of your equipment in, from water bottles to your ball to an extra pair of socks. When you have a bag, it makes it so much simpler to decide to grab a pickup game down at that community center or neighborhood playground. A good bag will also protect your gear.

With so many great players to look up to, it’s difficult not to want to start playing basketball. Whether or not you have aspirations of playing professionally, it’s definitely a game that helps build muscle, athleticism, problem solving and more. It’s a fun activity that helps create great relationships as well. Just remember that you may not need everything on this checklist, but it is a great starting point.