The Cheat Sheet’s Out!

By Cheerfulegg @lioyeo

Just spent the weekend working on the Singapore Savings Account Cheat Sheet PDF. Here’s a little preview of it – isn’t it beautiful?

I’ve done a little more than throw a bunch of interest rates together. I’ve also characterized the bank accounts into 3 types: Convenience, Monthly Savings, and High Interest-Low Access accounts. They each have a different purpose – and I described which are more suited for your day-to-day transactions, Big Play account, and Long-Term Savings Account.

A huge THANK YOU for those of you who took 5 minutes to answer my survey – you’re awesome! Reading through your answers over the weekend has given me a whole new perspective on how to structure some of the chapters in the upcoming book. I’m super psyched indeed. If you signed up for my Private List, you should be receiving the full Singapore Savings Account Cheat Sheet in a couple of days.

If you haven’t answered the survey yet and would still like to do so, here’s the link: Share it, forward it, re-post it. The more answers I get, the better the material I can push out for you.

Thanks again