He is not a muslim (and probably claims to be christian). He is not an Arab (but a White person). He is not a foreigner (but was raised in Kentucky and now lives in Ohio).
But one thing we do know about him -- he is a terrorist! He intentionally killed and wounded people to further his vile political cause (white supremacy) -- and that is terrorism.
The question I have, and it's an important one for this country, is why Donald Trump refuses to call it terrorism. When muslims did the same thing (drove a car into a crowd) in Paris and London, Trump was quick to label it as terrorism. Why is he so silent about this terrorist act? Is it because it was done by a white male, a registered Republican, and a racist white supremacist -- like many others in his base of voters?
Is Trump afraid he'll lose votes by calling out the racism and hate displayed by Fields, or is he sympathetic to those racist views? Is it both?
Trump has been uncharacteristically silent about this act of domestic terrorism. Until he corrects this, it will be a dismal (and un-American) failure of leadership. The truth is that Americans have much more to fear from domestic terrorists like Fields than any foreign muslim terrorists. Trump's ignoring of that fact, and failure to call out this domestic terrorism, says a lot about his character (and that of his administration).