But, I'm close to show time and I can't have any temptation.
This carb cycling is ALREADY WORKING! In less than 1 week of the diet change, I can SEE and FEEL my abs changing. In the mirror, I see more definition than I have so far, and it's really exciting. After not seeing changes for quite some time, I started to feel nervous. But now I am seeing some changes. Again, I'm a little more aggressive on the carb cycling than my online coach told me to, but I don't want to do things halfway. I think it's a good choice.
I have had pretty good energy despite the lower carbs.
No lie..... this is me today. ------------>
I took what my personal trainer's advice that he gave me yesterday: all my sets should be all-out. All-out. I guess I never realized that sometimes I don't go all out. The gym was muggy, I was a sweaty mess, but it was an awesome leg workout. I went to failure with all of my exercises, and the superset from the quad extension and hamstring curl machine finished off my legs. I tried the new decline side-crunch (awkward, I had to have my PT show me, after I tried 10 of my own variations the other day). It is awesome.
Then I did a kickboxing class, an old standby. I didn't go all out in that class because I wanted to use it as my steady state cardio, and I've had 3 days in a row of HIIT. Then after that was done, I finished of my last ab exercise for the day: Roman Chair Straight-Leg Lifts. OOoh MAN you can actually FEEL those sculpting your abs. I'm getting a lot better at them. I used to be able to do only 6 or 8 leg lifts each set, but now I can get 10, and I can bend my legs a bit and change the leverage enough to hammer out another 4 or so. Then I bend my knees and bring them to my chest. I tend to get lazy with abs usually, so I kept thinking today "Bikini on Stage, Bikini on Stage, Gotta Rip Up the Abs." It TOTALLY WORKED... I did a lot better ab workout keeping that in mind.
Hit up the tanning place for 5 minutes in my stand-up. I'm putting sunblock on my tanned parts in the hopes to balance out my farmer's tan on my shoulders and legs.
Then I did my laundry