The Captain Has Advised You To Fasten Your Saftey Belt.

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The Fuse has been lit……….

Pick a headline, any headline.

I’m especially fond of 

“Every Fu*King Cop Is a Fu*king Target”

America gripped by second night of fury...Police fire rubber bullets in LA freeway...Thousands pack Times Square...CA protesters break windows, start fires...Cause Gridlock In Midtown Manhattan...'Every F**king Cop Is a F**king Target'...MARION BARRY: 'Good news is Zimmerman will never be in peace'...NY Giants Star: 'Zimmerman Doesn't Last Year Before Hood Catches Up to Him'...Falcons WR: Jurors 'Should Go Home Tonight And Kill Themselves'...Beyonce holds moment of silence at concert...Celebs React...Sharpton: 'Slap in Face'...
Justice Dept: Under Review...

Halted: Traffic came to a halt Sunday evening on Los Angeles’ I-10 freeway as Trayvon Martin supporters swarmed the road in protest of his killer’s acquittal, stopping all traffic

Impressive crowd: A shot from high up shows the Times Square crowds considerable size

Have to say these 2 pics kinda give me the Heebie Jeebies.

(That’s a technical term for could be deep doo doo real quick.)

~Steve~                               H/T Drudge

PS. So much for the peaceful protests. In That case may I say it is my sincere desire that any an all who who engage in violence may you step off the curb and get hit by a bus. 

These views not endorsed by FOTM, just little ole me

PSS. I’m sick of the whole thing, and wash my hands of it. Back to jokes .