The Camera Never Lies …

By Claire

Ok,  faced with MoH’s pho­to­graphic evi­dence I am forced to con­fess that on Mon­day, when I told you I returned home with­out The Dress , I was guilty of hav­ing mis­led you.  The truth of the mat­ter is that whilst I did indeed arrive home empty handed, Mrs Adams didn’t because an hour after walk­ing into Sassi Hol­ford I had bought The Dress and Mrs Adams had assumed the cov­eted role of Keeper of The Dress.


Did I feel guilty?  That Mrs Adams, KoTD  had to strug­gle on and off the tube and bus with my pre­cious cargo, yes.  That I had yielded to temp­ta­tion and bought The Dress? No, not a bit.  I felt ecsta­tic! And I know that MoH and Mrs Adams, KoTD felt pretty elated too.  To hear all about our never-to-be-forgotten after­noon at Sassi Hol­ford and to find out why Mrs Adams is Keeper of The Dress, do take a look at