The Business of Endangered Species Management

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

“The American Burying Beetle, Nicrophorus americanus, is an endangered species with limited habitat remaining. Eastern Oklahoma contains significant habitat that must be preserved or mitigated. Mitigation typically takes the form of a company or organization establishing a permanent habitat area approved by the US-FWS.”

“Some governmental units in Oklahoma, object to the increased cost and would like the Burying Beetle removed from the endangered species list. Perhaps they should instead re-evaluate their development goals? Can they develop by infill of existing already developed areas instead? Do they really need to widen the current roads and bridges?”


GR:  Of course, developers and planners in government are not interested in endangered species. If the beetle stands in the way of municipal growth or private profits, public servants and developers will try everything up to and including law suits and congressional campaign contributions to get a loophole.