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So then, the bungalow. It's a two bed brick built, cavity walled, bog-standard 60's bungalow, that has mostly been left alone apart from basic redecorating and the removal of one wall. The back of the bungalow and the garden are south/south-west facing, on a gentle slope, so are near perfect for catching the sun. A very skinny stray cat has taken up residence in the "sun room" (a rotten shed-like extension with windows) after apparently being left behind by some people who moved away from across the street. It's very friendly, which is nice, but clearly pretty ill too. If it's still alive by the time we move in (we give it food and water when we're up at the bungalow by way of helping that happen) it's unlikely it and our small yappy type dog will get along well, but they just have to cope with that. It's home will be disappearing at some point in any works too, but we'll cut it a hole in the shed so it can hang-out there instead.
The plan is to super-insulate the existing bungalow by externally wrapping it in new strawbale walls which will sit tight against the outside walls, and build a strawbale extension. The image above is a guestimate of how it might look. My 3D design skills didn't exist before I started trying to design possible layouts so there are lots of errors in the model, and it's liable for wholesale change once our strawbale building designer gets going on it shortly ( - but it gives a rough idea. I'll explain next time why the front bedroom that extends forward of the main building is left as brick.
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