The "box of the Month" for Your Man

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
I love getting packages, who doesn't? I was subscribed to Birchbox, then switched to Ipsy/My Glam. If you aren't familiar those are beauty box subscriptions. For $10 a month you get a box of random beauty products delivered to your door every month. I'm also a member of Influenster, which sends complimentary products every few months for review purposes. I love it. I enjoy getting surprise packages.

When Christmas rolled around I was trying to figure out how to give my husband that same type of surprise package joy I get every month. There are male equivalents to beauty boxes, but my guy isn't much of a "products" kind of man. What he IS into is T-shirts. Enter Shirt of the Month club. You can buy a 3, 6 or 12 month subscription, and each month you get to pick a T-shirt that they send you. Their selection is right up his alley - read: sci-fi and gamer related - so it was PERFECT. 

He got his first of three t-shirt last week, and he was very happy. The name of this T is "Time Machines"

P.S.- Bonus points to anyone who can name some of the time machines pictured on the shirt.