The Books of October

By Everemma
I felt like I read a lot in October, but apparently I really didn't. Maybe I just spent more time thinking about what I read? My November Reads list will be at least double this! 
Big Boned by Meg Cabot - I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I love the Heather Wells series! Also, I love Meg Cabot's writing. She has such a gift of inserting humor into what probably shouldn't be a very funny situation.
In this installment, another death comes to the death dorm. Poor Heather just can't catch a break! She solves the mystery, plays matchmaker, does some running, and almost loses her life in the process of it all. It's a ridiculous tale and I loved it! Worthy of my Bookshelf.
The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty - This was the October pick for my in-person book club. It was the perfect book for such an event as it is like a giant episode of "What Would You Do?." The main character stumbles upon a letter her husband wrote that is to be open only upon his death. He is still very much alive. Should she open the letter? What does it contain? 
Overall, it's not a bad read. I did find it to be somewhat predictable and I had a hard time really liking the characters. Borrow it. 
The Smartest Kids in the World by Amanda Ripley - If you are in any way involved with or interested in education then I think you should read this book. The author makes some really fantastic points about the education system in America. I don't completely agree with everything in this book, but I wish there were people brave enough to stand firm and make the changes that need to be made. 
The one point that I really agree with is that it can be too easy to become a teacher in this country. We need higher standards and we need the program to be the same. In many other countries throughout the world becoming a teacher is the equivalent of becoming a Doctor or Lawyer in America. It's a competitive program and only the best of the best are accepted. As a result these educators are respected and compensated appropriately. This is a profession that should have the cream of the crop. In America we seem to feel that we should just be given the "American Dream." We forget that we are not entitled to this ideal. We should be willing to work hard for the things that we want. *Stepping down off of my soapbox.* 
I want to spend some time delving more into this issue and hope to someday be in a position to help fix our very broken education system, but that's too heavy for this blog. Worthy of my Bookshelf.
Jackaby by William Ritter - You can see my full review here. Borrow it.