The Blogging Journey

By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy

I've been blogging for just two months now. I'm still a rookie. But so far it has been quite a journey and I've already learned so much, made steps forward, tried to improve and promote.I started blogging after checking out multiple fashion blogs and asking myself: what would I blog about if I had a blog? In a few days, I had thought of and written down at least 25 things to blog about, which made me decide to give it a try and see where it would go. I threw myself into the deep, knowing nothing about HTML, SEO, IFB and a lot of things you get to deal with as a blogger. But I'm very determined and with a little help from the internet (online tutorials rock) I've learned myself a lot. And I'm still learning. What is most important to me, is that I love blogging. I've kind of become addicted to blogging, even when walking down the streets I think about new blog topics and I get inspiration from nearly everything. A whole new world opened up to me, and I love it. When I started I obviously started for the fun of it, but inspired by other bloggers I've been taking my blog more and more serious and I'm really hoping to achieve something with my blog. If only it were over 1000 followers, or being invited to events, Fashion weeks (NYFW, call me anytime), and the like. I'm not in a hurry, since I'm still so new to the blogging world and learning new things everyday (I see my Macbook more than I see the BF), but I'm hoping one day, I'll get there. It will probably be a long journey, but I'm looking forward to it. And I hope you'll join me!

PS. Pictured above are the business cards I designed myself and received last week. I ordered them for free! Business cards for me are a necessity while networking. And since I also shoot people in the streets sometimes, I like to give them something more professional than a post-it when they ask for my URL. How else do you get your blog noticed with thousands of bloggers out there?