The Big Lie

By Pabster @pabloacalvino

It would be a pity if one of the most telling and meaningful pieces of information published in the last few days passed unnoticed among the noise of other news, certainly more sexually attractive but surely less important from the point of view of “civilization”.
I’m talking about the increase in the number of millionaires (people owning more than one million dollars) in Spain during the past twelve months: by mid 2013 there were 47000 more millionaires than by mid 2012, meaning a 13’2% increase. The prompt explanation given by economists, at mouse eye, being that financial markets’ evolution has been good for the past months, and that’s where well-off people invest their money. But it turns out that during 2012, without such good evolution in financial markets, the number of millionaires also increased, though “only” in a 5’4%. More yet: the year before that, right in the worst of the economical recession, millionaires in Spain decreased in just a 2%.
Thus, if we observe and analyze these data at eagle view, not being distracted by inmediate causes, we find that, even in full crisis, total wealth in Spain seems to not have disappeared or stalled, but just changed hands: from those lower or middle classes to the upper ones. In other words: the economical inequalities have increased in number and scope–which evidences that our political and economical system, our graceful Constitution with all its adornment of pompous and moving values: freedom, democracy, equality, progress, etc, is but a big social lie; and our kitsch legal system is just wet paper.
So, after these conclusions, as dramatic as inescapable, I find it trivial to worry about a few feminists more or a few unions’ frauds less.