The Big Fat Feminist Lie: Men Can Get Sex Anytime They Want, Just Like Women

Posted on the 25 February 2018 by Calvinthedog

Jason: Anyway, these idiots don’t have any real problems I bet. They’re not skinny or fat, disabled,, so why are they so uptight? Surely they can get chicks?

All feminists say this crap. All of them. No exceptions! One more reason why feminists are garbage, as if there weren’t enough already.

This is the feminist bullshit again. Both male and female feminists insist that any man can go out and get laid by a woman anytime he wants. All you have to do is try. There’s all this free sex out there for the taking.

Ok, if this is true, that men can get laid just as easily as women:

Why is there a whore market?

How is it that the average woman has only three sex partners in her entire life if women are such sluts that any man can go get laid by a woman any time he feels like it? Obviously women are not giving it up too much. Sounds like they are only giving it up to a few men in the context of marriages or long-term relationships.

More importantly, if men can get sex from a woman anytime they want, why is that the average man has only six sex partners in his life? If straight men could get laid by a woman anytime they wanted to, I assure you they would have a Hell of a lot more than six sex partners in their lives. More like 50. Or 300!

That’s the way it is for gay men. Gay men can supposedly pretty much get sex anytime they want. If this theory about straight men being able to get women anytime they want is true, then this means that straight women are just as slutty as gay men. Is that true? Gay men are the biggest whores on the planet. Is it true that straight women are just as slutty as gay men? Let’s test this insane feminist theory out with real science and raw facts, the terrain of hard reality where all feminist theory bites the dust of unreason.

Straight women, average number of sex partners: 3.

Gay men, average number of sex partners, 51.

Gay men, average number of sex partners in a lifetime (asked of elderly gay men), ~300.

Gay men have 300 sex partners in their lives, and straight women have three. Yet straight women are just as whorish and slutty as gay men. Right!

This argument never did make sense. Anyone knows that. If free sex was that easy to get, how many men would buy whores? The whore market would dry up just like that. The only reason a whore market exists at all is because women can get sex anytime they want to and men cannot. I have heard male feminist pussy cucks give all sorts of insane reasons why a whore market exists even though the sexual marketplace is identical for men and women. One argument is that men want perverted stuff and that’s why they buy whores.

And you can’t get perverted sex from women nowadays? I don’t know about younger women, but sex with older women nowadays is like something out of porn movie. Whatever you want to do, they are pretty much down for it except for some really crazy stuff. There’s no need to buy a whore for wild porn sex anymore. Regular women are perfectly willing to accomodate, or at least that’s my experience. It’s so crazy that at my age, they even compete with other women to try to outwhore each other. Before you even have the first date, they list their whole sexual repoirtoire, taking pains to note how they will do things that most other women won’t do, and how their skills in _______ fill in the blank are better than those of 99% of women.

Anyway, straight men are not very perverted. Most straight men have relatively normal sexual tastes. They’re not nearly as perverted as gay men, who win the gold for the Sexual Perversion Triathlon every time.

More importantly, why do feminists believe this idiocy in the first place? Feminist ideology is that males and females are completely equal, right? So therefore the sexual marketplace for women must be the same as the sexual marketplace for men. Once you start admitting that the sexual marketplaces differ markedly, you start opening up the scary possibility that maybe men and women are not so equal after all…that maybe they are very different, on an inborn biological level yet. And feminists have to keep that biological gender horse from busting down the barn door, so they keep the barn good and locked. No thought crimes allowed,  for fear of total theoretical collapse. Keep up the charade to save the theory. The very ideology of feminism is at stake! This is an important matter!