We noticed a trend over the years that some people are in the know about the best YouTube videos of all time and others simply are not. No matter how many times we chat around the water cooler at work, it always seems like someone has not seen the honey badger or the tearful eHarmony cat lady video (and the songify version!), or whatever the latest and greatest video is on YouTube.
Internet memes have taken over as a new form of entertainment. Short clips we can sneak into our day in order to make us feel better about life for a little while. Breaks in productivity to get our mind off of that dreaded TPS report for a little while. A short burst of happy is good for us so we can get back to being productive. Sometimes, it is just playful badgers. Other times, we need that good laugh which we cannot seem to replicate without instantly watching cheesy homemade rap videos.
These types of videos have become so popular, there are now TV shows to keep up with all of the trending topics, like Comedy Central's Tosh.0
Here at BadMoneyBlog we decided to make a complete listing of our favorite you tube videos with a brief description of each. These are the MUST SEE absolute best YouTube videos of all time. These are the ones with lasting web-play and the highlights of computer monitors where people gather around when someone says "have you seen this one yet?"
If you run into that guy or lady who simply is not in the know, send them a link to this blog post so they can get with the program. With the lightning fast internet of the future, we have bandwidth to waste here people!
Did we miss one? Drop us an email or comment below. If we add your video, we will be sure to give you credit where credit is due! Let us know what you think are the best YouTube videos of all time.
Warning! Some of these videos contain strong languages and images. These are not for sensitive viewers. You may need to have a YouTube account and log in to view some as they have adult themes or content! Enjoy -