The Best Wedding Ideas for 2013 — from Real Weddings

By Claire

Source: via Style Me Pretty on Pin­ter­est

The best wed­ding ideas for 2013 — from real weddings

With the hun­dreds of wed­ding blogs and dozens of mag­a­zines you can read and buy, and in a world where thou­sands of new Pin­ter­est wed­ding images appear daily, find­ing the very best wed­ding ideas for you as a cou­ple will always be a chal­lenge. Today’s wed­ding blog might help: mem­bers of the UK Alliance of Wed­ding Plan­ners have shared their very best wed­ding ideas — from real wed­dings — for the year. Which is your favourite?

The most roman­tic ges­ture at a wedding

One bride had arranged for me to pur­chase 14 really nice bot­tles of wine from around the world and from 11am on the wed­ding morn­ing until mid­night, I pre­sented the groom with a gift wrapped bot­tle of wine for their 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 50th and 60th wed­ding anniver­saries! From Jane Rid­dell at

The most beau­ti­ful wed­ding of the year

With­out a doubt it has to be the beau­ti­ful midsummer’s night dream inspired wed­ding at Hen­grave Hall. We brought in trees from Ger­many to trans­form the out­door court­yard and held the wed­ding break­fast out­side, lit solely with fes­toons, fairy lights and can­dles. It was absolutely mag­i­cal and felt like we were in the Mediter­ranean rather than the heart of Suf­folk. It was amaz­ing to see the space trans­formed with some cre­ative light­ing, gar­den inspired cen­ter­pieces and the beau­ti­ful trees. From Lisa Baker of

The court­yard wed­ding recep­tion — photo credit Lisa Dav­en­port

The stand out theme from this year’s weddings

Pho­to­booths and sweetie tables. I have had both of these at every wed­ding I have organ­ised this year. The ideas for these are def­i­nitely com­ing from the States with brides look­ing to blogs out there for inspi­ra­tion as being very con­cerned about all the detail and styling. Etsy is a firm favorite for won­der­ful chic pho­tos props, no tack but taste­ful touches please! Sweetie tables are being taken to a dif­fer­ent level instead of lots of sweets just popped on the table, it’s all about the styling and cre­ativ­ity. I guess all cou­ples want to be dif­fer­ent and more and more they are look­ing to the States for inspi­ra­tion and ideas on styling. From Aimee Dunne of

Source: via Con­fetti Wed­ding on Pin­ter­est

The most unusual wed­ding idea of the year

A Rwan­dan Dance troupe! I worked with a cou­ple who did lots of char­ity work in Rwanda and one thing on their wish list was to have a tra­di­tional dance troupe per­form at their wed­ding. Find­ing one involved me con­tact­ing the Rwan­dan High Com­mis­sion and work­ing closely with them. There are only a hand­ful of per­form­ers in the UK so I had to coor­di­nate drum­mers and dancers from var­i­ous parts of the UK who had never per­formed together before and arrange for all of them (and their drums and var­i­ous out­fits) to get to a wed­ding in Hamp­shire, which was tak­ing place on the first day of the Olympics. It was a com­plete suc­cess and all the guests ended up on the dance floor join­ing in with the dance troupe! From Aimee Dunne of

The most incred­i­ble wed­ding mem­oir of the year

The ges­ture was post wed­ding, but the cou­ples had hand writ­ten their wed­ding vows, read them out on the day and then framed (in match­ing frames) the well thumbed papers. A time­less mem­oir. From Rachel Crop­per of

The most lov­ing ges­ture of the year

On the morn­ing of her wed­ding, a bride was pre­sented with an old beat up tape recorder from the 90’s. In this recorder was a ‘Mix Tape’ of all the songs that were the sound­track to the bride & groom’s rela­tion­ship. The bride played the mix tape while hav­ing her hair and make up done. The make up had to be reap­plied a few times due to happy tears! From Claire Barry at

The hottest style trends for 2013 weddings

I think we may be start­ing to move away from vin­tage in Suf­folk. I’m pre­dict­ing more glam­our in the style of wed­dings; think old Hol­ly­wood, black tie, ele­gant affairs. Lots of monot­o­nes and cre­ative light­ing as opposed to big flo­ral dis­plays. Car­o­line Gould of

The most orig­i­nal wed­ding idea of the year

A dolls house wed­ding cake!!! The walls were iced thick gin­ger­bread essen­tially, the roof choco­late but­tons, the gar­den the very large flat cake. It was mon­strously large and weighed a ton. Kelly Hooper at

The UKAWP is the lead­ing indus­try body for the UK wed­ding plan­ning mar­ket. Visit their web­site at