The Best Wedding Blogs This Week Are…

By Claire

The best real wed­ding blogs…

  • Carol and Ross’s coun­try­side wed­ding with pink lemon­ade and lace — and some details I’ll be using for inspi­ra­tion for my wed­ding cal­lig­ra­phy stand in a cou­ple of weeks!
  • Into the blue — a gor­geous des­ti­na­tion wed­ding with fab­u­lous acces­sories by Olivier Laudus on their lat­est wed­ding blog
  • An ele­gant, glam­orous and very mov­ing wed­ding at Lancashire’s Stan­ley House: just look at Joanne in her wed­ding dress… divine!
  • This rus­tic wed­ding at the Matara Cen­tre has tons of wed­ding ideas for you: ori­en­tal zen any­one? I adore the lit­tle wooden place names, and paper lanterns (the kind you hang from the ceil­ing, not the fly-away-set-trees-on-fire-kill-cows kind) are my favorite thing at the moment!
  • Vicky and Gareth’s Soughton Hall wed­ding is beau­ti­ful — as Char­lene (from Love Gets Sweeter) says, Vicky really does light up the room. And did some­one men­tion kilts?

Vicky and Gareths High­lights Film from Love Gets Sweeter on Vimeo.

Think cre­ative — alter­na­tive ideas and hand­made treats for your wedding

  • Already posted on my face­book page, but if any­one doesn’t already Like Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog on face­book you’ll have missed this lit­tle beauty — fab­u­lous and funky illus­trated wed­ding invi­ta­tions: Viva Las Vegas!
  • White wed­ding dresses just aren’t for me — I know I’m in a minor­ity here, but if you fancy some­thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent in color and style, there are ideas and thoughts on non-traditional wed­ding gowns over at Green Bride Guide right now. Worth reading!
  • There are a cou­ple of ideas here for alter­na­tive wed­ding table plans: wire frames (which I was search­ing every­where for last week­end!), num­ber stamps and more.
  • Another very cute and dis­tinc­tive wed­ding design idea — for sta­tionery with a twist and bags of style, dis­cover Jolly Bureau from Cam­bridge. They say smiles are non-negotiable, which is nice!
alternative wedding dress ideas

Alter­na­tive wed­ding dress ideas via

Have an opin­ion! Things cou­ples should know…

  • Have you seen the same ‘bride’ in more than one wed­ding photographer’s port­fo­lio? They could be pass­ing off shoots from train­ing ses­sions as real wed­dings. Read: wed­ding gal­leries — real or fake?
  • Cov­er­ing tat­toos on your wed­ding day — maybe Mum is beg­ging you to, maybe you’d like to cover up just a lit­tle in church. What­ever the rea­son, there’s a beau­ti­ful way to cover a tattoo
  • Types of wed­ding sup­plier and how to deal with them! I’ve met a few of these, but I promise you they’re a minor­ity. Inter­est­ing sto­ries from Sara here… how I’d love to know more!
  • Pin­ter­est: This is not my wed­ding. A good ten min­utes of chuck­ling. Would you wear those bikini bot­toms?! What about the santa-style wed­ding dress then?
  • And finally… have you ever heard the wed­ding read­ing, “He Never Leaves the Seat Up”? It’s by Pam Ayres. But the Guardian is shocked to hear that actu­ally, it’s not! It’s by a mys­tery writer. Shake­speare maybe?