I've been blessed with extremely wavy, thick hair. I say blessed because I feel like it's a pain! Hey, we all want what we don't have right and to me, thick hair is just extremely time consuming. I envy my friends who can literally jump out of the shower, throw their hair up in a messy bun and run out the door. I have to get the thickest hair ties, 2912387 bobby pins, hairspray and more just to get my hair up in a pony tail. Within 30 minutes I have the worst migraine because of how heavy my hair is and end up taking it out.
Enough of the stress! Now, I like to just straighten my hair and obviously the quicker the better since I need to get to work or run around after my crazy two year old toddler. What's the best tool to help you straighten your hair, especially during those crazy humid days like we get here in Atlanta? A straightener of course, but not just any straightener; the Diamond Professional Flat iron which works wonders!
This amazing little tool keeps my hair straight especially when I'm on the go or needing to get to work quickly. This professional flat iron is the perfect size for me because of it's slim plates which easily keeps each lock of hair straight and flat. Plus, I love that it gets hot really fast and even changes the temperature display from celsius to fahrenheit according to the supplied voltage. I'm super excited to take it with me to Europe this fall. I know my sister will be anxious to use it as well. Make sure to check out their Facebook and Instagram page if you're interested about learning more!
I was compensated for this product. All opinions and thoughts are mine alone. Thank you Irressisitable Me for sending me this amazing hair straightener to review.